When its summer time, Virginia Beach is the place to be at. Not only tourist, but residents alike all are thinking one thing. Hitting the beach in style. Many of these people are overweight and want a quick shortcut to loosing it. They will choose gastric bypass surgery, it reduces stomach size by 90%, what could go wrong?
Successful results will provide instant weight loss and can be kept off with a proper diet. This is where things start to get bleak... Only 50% of people who have gastric bypass surgery performed keep the weight off after 5 years. For anyone even attempting the surgery here is a quick list of side effects that may occur:
2% - Major wound infection 20% - Incisional Hernia 12% - Stomal Stenosis 9% - Ulcer 2% - Gallstones .5% - Blood clots in the lungs 1.5% - Leak from the hookup/peritonitis 1% - Death
Taking all of that into consideration your 50% success rate turns into a horrible 3.2xe^-12 (.0000000000032%) chance of a complete success. No weight gained back after surgery, no side effects at all seen, just a complete success. Some people learned the risks the hard way...
In 2008 two sons in New York were awarded $16.8 million in damages for the death of their mother. The mother was 36 and had her intestines rerouted and her stomach stapled to the point where it could only hold two tablespoons of food. She died of malnutrition and liver failure. Not only was the surgery highly dangerous, but she was not even a good candidate for basic gastric bypass surgery itself.
Locally, a female resident of Virginia Beach decided to undergo surgery. A critical error was made during surgery that had to be corrected with two more operations. The doctor and staff were sued for $500,000 and most lost their career. As for the women the scars are a daily reminder of the risk of surgery and what could go wrong.
You may not think of them till it happens, but educating yourself on Virginia Beach Medical Malpractice Attorneys will help make your tough decision a little bit easier. If an unfortunate event like this has already happen to you time is of the essence. Don't let you or your loved ones suffering go in vein.