If you re looking for cheap auto insurance rates, you should know about a few things. First of all, if you re not looking in the right places, you may end up paying too much for your auto coverage. Ask about discounts that are available to lower your rates. You can find the following discounts available:
1. Safe driver discounts these savings add up quickly, in many ways. If you re a good driver without any accidents or traffic citations, you ll pay less than everyone else.
2. Employer related discounts if you work for a large corporation, you may be able to take up to ten percent off of your monthly insurance premiums. Companies like to keep their employees happy and many times they can work special deals with car insurance companies.
3. Multi policy discounts do you have a home owner s policy? How about a life insurance policy? If you don t get health insurance through your employer and have to pay for it completely out of pocket, you may be able to get lower rates for that, as well, if you re using the same carrier or agency for all of your insurance transactions. Find out if you can qualify for a ten to fifteen percent discount on all of your policies when they re through the same agency.
4. Vehicle safety equipment if your car has air bags, anti lock breaks, anti theft devices or other safety related equipment installed, either from the factory or after market, you can save money. Anything that makes you less of a liability to your insurance company will save you on your monthly premiums and will help you lessen your chances of having injury come to your vehicle.
5. Good student discounts if your kids are on your car insurance policy, make sure that they keep their grades up. You can all get discounted rates if they stay on the honor roll while they re covered by the same policy that you re on.
6. Loyalty to company if you ve had your car insurance through the same provider for an extended period of time, there is a good chance that you ll be able to get a discount for staying with the company. Make sure to ask your agent about this, they don t often advertise this sort of discount.
7. Military or government employee if you or any member of your household that is covered under your car insurance policy is either a member of the military or works for the government, you may receive a decent reward for their service.
These are just a few discounts you may qualify for. If you re trying to get the lowest rates on car insurance, you also need to consider what sort of coverage you re opting for. Figure out what amounts you need on your policy to keep you protected in the event that you re in an accident. If you re heavy with certain coverage, it can really raise your insurance rates.
Do a side by side comparison of cost and policy benefits online to ensure that you get the best in cheap auto insurance rates that are available to you.
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If you're looking for cheap auto insurance rates or auto insurance quote no personal information, you should know about a few things. We've got the inside scoop! http://www.onlineautoinsurance.com/cheap/