By now, most investors probably know about the government’s tax credit of up to $8,000 for first time home buyers. But do you know about “Obama Bucks?”
“Obama Bucks” are an innovative financing arrangement in which investors can give buyers the tax credit up front so they can use it for a down payment or to fix up the home. Investors get paid back when the tax credit is provided to the buyer afterwards. It’s just like getting the government to pay you on every deal you close.
Investors know buying homes isn’t a problem with rates and prices as low as they are right now. The problem is selling them.
“Obama Bucks” helps solve that challenge because it opens investors to a whole new market of first time home buyers that the government estimates could be as high as 800,000 people. Here are just some of results we’ve seen so far:
· Earned $10,417,680 on 25 deals in just the 4 months.
· Brought in $53,000 in one weekend for one of my students.
· Netted $43,000 on another property I sold in 3 days after it was on the market for 12 months!
· Generated 60 70 profit margins for my students
in all 50 states.
WARNING: The federal government’s tax credit for first time home buyers may expire November 30. There’s some talk in Congress about extending the tax credit or modifying it so the government is paying as much. I even seen a program like this in my 30 years of investing and I doubt I’ll ever see it again. My students and I have obviously enjoyed tremendous success these last several months and if you would like to learn more, I invite you to view my free webinar, Wednesday, September 21, 8 pm Eastern Time.
About Louis “Lou” Brown: As CEO of Street Smart Investors , real estate investors in all fifty states across Canada and fifteen foreign countries including as far away as Australia and New Zealand have long regarded the training, systems and forms created by Louis Brown as the best in the industry.
Quoted as an expert by many publications and authors, “Lou” draws from a wide and varied background as a real estate investor having been buying property since 1976. He’s invested in single family homes, apartments, hotels, developed subdivisions and built and renovated homes and apartments. Each of these experiences has given him a proving ground for the most cutting edge concepts in real estate today.
He’s widely known as a creative financing genius with his deal structuring concepts including House Monster, which is an innovative solution to help first time home buyers and to help investors sell more homes. Being a teacher at heart he enjoys sharing his discoveries with others.
He’s served the industry in many volunteer positions such as past President and designated lifetime member of the Georgia Real Estate Investors Association, the world’s largest investor group. He is also founding President of the National Real Estate Investors Association, which serves as the umbrella association of local investor groups.