The world today is very different from the way it was ten years ago. We are getting more conscious of how our everyday choices impact not just our immediate environment, but the globe as a whole. The world is more and more resembling the much used phrase global village . Our different cultures are coming face to face with each other in virtually all facets of our existence, from food items to home appliances. The Daily Tea Dresses reflect many cultures.
Our kids are not left out, as they come in contact with different cultures earlier than we ever did. Do we let them experience new cultures without our guiding hands or should we introduce them to new cultures with a relation to our own? This is a question that the Daily Tea designer clothing line answers decisively. They have taken the side of letting children grow up decked in diversity, with their seasonal collections influenced by different cultures around the world.
They have explored using fabric, materials and designs from Norway, including a dress inspired by the sunset at 11pm, another bearing remarkable likeness to hand painted historical Tibetan art, and yet another based on techniques used by the Japanese to build 18th century fire resistant fire fighter clothing. This diverse clothing has more than the brand name in common. They are also modern, sophisticated and beautiful pieces that would leave your baby girl looking like the princess she is.
It is fascinating learning about the history behind a particular design, and even more breathtaking to view some of the absolutely stunning pieces that result. The Daily Tea brand trademark which is for little citizens of the world is such a simple yet powerful message, which rings true, not just because the dresses are worn by little girls all around the world, but because the dresses bring a little of the world to the girl.
Each season, the designer team comes up with a new culture to base their collection on, and I must say, I m yet to be disappointed. It is generally a good idea to take children on travels as much as possible, to expand their idea of the world they live in, and help them gain an understanding of the way we are different from others yet overwhelmingly similar. It also triggers a sense of adventure.
Thanks to Daily Tea, a little truthful story accompanying the first wearing of a dress would definitely trigger a sense of adventure and wonder. Every Daily Tea dress has an amazing story behind it, and each dress can become a history chum geography lesson, or it can simply be a beautiful dress to be worn to parties and events for kids, or even a dress for playtime, durable and sturdy, or just an efficient back to school dress. Daily Tea has one for every occasion.
The world today is very different from the way it was ten years ago. We are getting more conscious of how our everyday choices impact not just our immediate environment, but the globe as a whole. The world is more and more resembling the much used phrase global village . Our different cultures are coming face to face with each other in virtually all facets of our existence, from food items to home appliances. The Daily Tea Dresses reflect many cultures.
Our kids are not left out, as they come in contact with different cultures earlier than we ever did. Do we let them experience new cultures without our guiding hands or should we introduce them to new cultures with a relation to our own? This is a question that the Daily Tea designer clothing line answers decisively. They have taken the side of letting children grow up decked in diversity, with their seasonal collections influenced by different cultures around the world.