Buying wedding flowers wholesale is a better way to purchase them than from a florist. The price per flower can be so much cheaper then ordering from a florist. When they are delivered to the factory they are immediately cut and carefully packed away so they are delivered to you as fresh as can be. One plus is that the flowers are shipped directly from the factory so they are virtually untouched and are thus less likely to be damaged or disturbed in any way.
They also have a longer shelf life than florist flowers. They are very reasonably priced because they are shipped to you directly from the importer, which saves you the cost of additional shipping fees, middlemen, as well as retailers fees. Fresh flora are those that look fabulous and fresh for several weeks or longer.
Unlike flora that has spent quite a bit of time in flower shops, wholesale wedding flowers arrive at your door straight from the source, thereby cutting out days in transit where they would be wilting or idling in store windows. Wholesale flowers are ideal for do-it-yourself brides or the party planner who organizes events that demand fresh cut flora at a reasonable price. Fresh cut flora turn a dull and boring table into a welcoming place to celebrate.
Please keep in mind that when ordering wholesale flowers you will have to put the arrangements together by yourself so you should make sure to order them while giving yourself enough time to prepare the arrangements. Make sure to place your order for your flora at least one month in advance. Most brides prefer to have them delivered two to three days before the wedding.
Proper care of the flowers is extremely vital and you have to ensure there is someone to oversee all the arrangements, as the bridal party tends to generally be busy with last minute details. See that you have adequate information on how to keep them looking fresh and enough people available to help you with the task.
Flowers need to be unpacked immediately. You should clip several inches off of the bottom of the stems and immerse those flower stems in water right away all while keeping the heads of the flora wrapped up. Certain fresh flora need to be kept at specific temperatures while others need certain light conditions to thrive, so it is a very good idea to do your research before buying.
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You can learn more about wedding flower arrangements , and get many more ideas and articles about wedding flowers by visiting Wedding Flower Ideas