Get a cash back credit card and use it for all of your purchases if you can, or as many things as possible. You can get more shopping done at one time if you have a credit card, which also saves on the expense of gasoline, or, bus or taxi fare if you use either of those for commuting to the stores.
Clip Coupons
Don t miss out on the money saving coupons in the newspaper, in magazines or in mail out advertisements. Get a coupon organizer, or use envelopes to store your clipped coupons. You can make a nice file system for your coupons by labeling a few envelopes into various categories, like household products, dairy products, general groceries, cleaning supplies, meats, candies, health and beauty, medicines, eye make up and so on. Choose the categories according to what you purchase the most often, so you will be able to make use of or store the coupons you are most likely to really use, faster.
Another place to locate coupons are on the web. There are a couple of dozen coupon sites that actually offer coupons every week on products that you already use or would like to try. The coupons are totally free at most of these and you use your printer to print them off, on regular printing paper if you want, no special paper is needed. Sometimes top companies also promote their latest product by offering this type of printable coupon straight from their web site.
Cash Back Sites
Have you ever seen cash back sites? These sites typically offer you a coupon to use when you join, it could be valued at $5 or $10, and it is for you to use on your first purchase, or sometimes you can save it for any time in the future you like, too. As you shop at this web site or company s virtual store you will typically earn rewards or bonuses, which are usually a percentage of how much you have spent. You will be able to use these rewards or bonuses to purchase more merchandise from this web site.
Yet another type of cash back site will even pay you to do all of your shopping online. Every time you use a site to shop that is listed on their website you will be allowed small revenue from that site, as the clicks generate revenue that they will in turn share with you. If you do a lot of shopping this may also be of interest to you.
Cash Back Stores
Brick and mortar stores also offer their customer’s cash back deals. Sometimes the cash back deals are always available, other times they are available for a limited time, possibly during a sale. Just like the web cash back deals, you can use the cash you have saved to purchase more merchandise from them in the future. Many large supermarkets run cash back deals and you may notice other stores following their lead. You should most certainly look into this if you like to save money.
Author Resource:
Save up 5%+ on your next shopping purchase all with a cash back credit card at , where you can find more of Tom's work.