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Buy Solar Panel - Things to Consider

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By : Michael James    99 or more times read
Submitted 2011-01-28 03:35:58
If you've landed here that means you're looking for superb data on how to buy solar panel OR build a solar panel yourself in order to be frugal and we have exactly what you are looking for, but let's cover some top-notch information that you need to identify you avoid getting ripped off.

Due to the ever increasing costs of energy over recent years, more and more people are looking to gain ways to lower their electricity costs. One technique to succeed in doing this is to restrict the use of any electrical household appliances in the house, but most of us find this vexing to do. So what else can we do to be frugal towards their electricity bills? One reasonable alternative is to buy solar panels so that you can generate your own electricity.

A solar panel is actually a basic device that converts light from the sun into ready electricity, the same electricity we use to power our homes, devices, appliances, and even some vehicles. The more marked the solar light is, the more generated power the solar panel can produce.

There are many advantages to using solar power. For example, if you use your solar panel to power your electric based heating system, you won't experience any regular monthly expenses related to the heating of your dwelling. With oil or gas-based heaters, you must pay the gas or oil consumption expense monthly in order to maintain the continuous heating of your residence. Since solar power is free, you can run your electric based heating or cooling system without experiencing any extra monthly costs. Many States in the USA and Provinces in Canada actually provide tax incentives and benefits to people who buy solar panels and generate their own electricity!

Now, when you consider buying solar panels, there are various things to consider. One of the most important factors is to consider your total electrical needs. Check or estimate the power consumption required for any of the electrical appliances in your home that you'd like to power with your solar panels. Most people use the energy from solar panels to heat their water, since a water heater typically consumes a good quantity of electricity. Make a list of the wattage ratings for any electrical appliances you might want to power with the solar panel, combine all those wattage amounts and that will give you an idea about the amount of electricity you are consuming monthly when using those particular devices and appliances. When selecting a solar panel, choose one with a slighter high quantity wattage rating than the amount you calculated from your list. This ensures that the solar panel you will be buying will have enough power output for your appliances.

Consider the desired location for your panels, as that can also affect how much you invest on the purchase. You want your solar panels to have the largest light exposure throughout the day. The optimal placement of a solar panel involves installing the solar panel so that they directly face the sun between the hours of 9AM to 3PM, which is when the sun is at its brightest. There are 'add-ons' that can be purchased to help ensure maximum light collection by the solar panel. A solar tracker is an example of this, but it is an additional expense. Also, because the solar tracker is powered by electricity generated from the solar panel, the output of your solar panels will be lessened by its power consumption.

Another awfully important consideration is the guaranteed service life of the solar panel. Most solar panels last for 10 to 15 years. Check to make sure that you get a warranty for the expected life of the panel, and check your expenses to see if buying such solar panels will give you savings over such a period of time. Look at the estimated power consumption for the devices and appliances you'd like to power, with the purchase of a solar panel for each month and then multiply that by 12 to get the estimated cost per year. Now multiply that number by the guaranteed service life of the solar panel you are considering buying to see what that potential savings would be and whether or not the investment makes sense. Remember, the solar panel only last between 10-15 years. Many people are under the assumption that solar panels last forever. That is simply not true.

Solar panels truly offer many benefits to both our dwellings and the environment as a whole, but because of their high cost, many people are reluctant to to buy them. Always analyze total costs and benefits when buying your own solar panels. Again, remember to keep in mind the expected service life. The purpose is to enjoy a net benefit of having a solar powered system, and avoid paying too much, negating the benefits.

So what's the easiest way to overcome many of the pitfalls of buying a solar panel? Check out this resource so you will become fully educated about exactly how to buy solar panels or build your own solar panels at the best price.

Author Resource:

Michael Dawes, Your Alternative Energy Advocate
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