Head to the close by store and you will find two varieties of milk being sold- the regular milk and the organic milk. Amidst the 2, organic milk is the wiser choice due to various factors.
There are many benefits of choosing organic milk over the regular one. One of them is that organic milk has a much longer lifespan in comparison to regular milk. As a matter of fact, you might keep it for up to 2 months without it getting spoilt. The reason for the same is that it is sterilised at extremely high temperatures, about 280 degrees F. This indicates that you will be basically saving money, since the milk isn't getting spoilt.
Another advantage of organic milk is that it has no synthetic hormones like the regular milk. Cows and buffaloes are injected with recombinant bovine growth hormone ( rBGh ) to enhance the production of milk in them. These hormones have a large amount of bad effects on the human body as they lead to acne and other skin conditions in several. It is seen that many folk experience relief after cutting down their milk intake. But, the most practical answer would be to use the Clearpores Skin Cleansing System for complete riddance of acne.
The hormone rBGH is not just answerable for acne, it may also lead to other sicknesses like breast cancer, bowel cancer and prostate trouble. This is why a ban has been imposed on these hormones by many states like the EU Union, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. The presence of this hormone in the regular milk goes fully against it.
Organic milk gains yet one more edge over regular milk by being antibiotic free. Most dairy farmers finish up overusing antibiotics for the cattle. Hence, the milk produced contains high level of antibiotics too. In addition, the regular milk contains high level of pesticides, which are again harmful for your well-being. In comparison, organic milk doesn't have any of these. It is acquired from USDA-certified dairy cows that are only fed with organic food. Therefore, there is not any risk of any damaging results. If you see a connection between milk and your acne, try organic milk and you'll be able to see the difference.
Milk is something that has traditionally been connected with good health. Remember your mum telling you to drink milk so that you have healthy bones and teeth. Even doctors recommend drinking milk as it is an excellent source of calcium and can prevent back stiffness by strengthening your bones. But, certain malpractices have degraded the nutritive price of this drink. Nevertheless if you still desire to continue to enjoy the wholesome goodness of this drink, organic milk actually is a great choice.