Medical marijuana has proven beneficial in treating medical issues thus allowing its legal use in most states. Cannabis, the medical name for marijuana can be prescribed by a doctor to treat a wide range of cases. Generally, cannabis is given to those with intense pain. Additionally, it is also given to those with nausea and poor appetite such as chemotherapy patients. In general, medical marijuana is found effective on the general public as a new addition to medicine. It is a natural medicine that has numerous positive effects on medical problems. It treats people with cases that vary from simple pain to a rather serious life threatening disease.
Doctors prescribe medical marijuana in cases of chronic pain like back or neck pain. People with this constant pain associated with the neck or back suffer long term. A disadvantage for Opioid painkillers is its being addictive to patients that can exacerbate life threatening illnesses and also disturb the patient's relationships, family and career. This is another reason why medical marijuana is preferred since it is not addictive. Another addicting drug is the anti-inflammatory drug which is so much different than cannabis. Cannabis is fast acting as it is smoked. It relieves pain in a few minutes.
Gastritis is also a common condition treated with medical marijuana. Pain associated with gastritis is relieved by the effects of cannabis which controls pain, stimulates appetite and relaxes abdominal muscles. This is the benefits of using medical marijuana on patients with gastritis. Aside from this, cannabis is quick in its nature. At times when a patient experiences an attack, he can immediately smoke medical cannabis for relief.
Patients with HIV or AIDS can be prescribed with medical marijuana in some states. Some doctors will advise medical marijuana for them to cope with pain and loss of appetite caused by the symptoms and medications of HIV or AIDS. Medical cannabis is proven effective by research with its positive effect on the AIDS/HIV patient's appetite, weight and outlook on life. Another medical issue with AID/HIV patient is depression and medical marijuana is effective against depression caused by HIV/AIDS.
A common condition in women is Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS which initiates abdominal cramping, pain and irritability. These symptoms add up to the indications of medical marijuana.
Although society has issues with the use of medical marijuana in terms of psychological and emotional aspect, it is still accepted with the many positive effects medically. With the other medical issues, the authorized use of medical marijuana must be processed just as important because of its unceasing medical use. This process can lead to the acceptance of marijuana as a legitimate medicine.