Treating acne can be a difficult process because there are many causes. Pimples seem to appear faster than they go away and they appear all over. Some acne treatments need to be prescribed by a dermatologist, while others can be found at your local drugstore. There are also some helpful natural treatments for acne, which we'll be looking at here.
One type of acne treatment is an exfoliant, which is something applied to the skin to get rid of dead skin cells. Blackheads are caused by your pores getting clogged by oil and dead cells so using an exfoliant daily helps keep the pores clear. Red pimples form when blackheads become inflamed. So using an exfoliant can help to stop this problem from spreading. You can find these at a drugstore, but you can also make some effective and simple ones at home. Try applying a mixture of oatmeal, molasses, and olive oil to your skin. Your acne can be cleared up by keeping your face clean between treatments. Curing, or at the very least, reducing acne can often be done by changing your diet. Foods that contain sugar and processed elements can contribute to your skin condition so cut out things like bad fats, carbs, junk foods and soda. Alcohol and caffeine can also contribute to acne, so you should try to cut back on these as well. Some people are sensitive to meat and dairy products, but in some cases you can be healthier by reducing them a little or switching to organic varieties. Regular exercise is good for cleaning out the body's systems, so introducing that into your routine can help you naturally cure your acne. While eating well and getting regular exercise is important it is also important to drink plenty of water. Drinking a lot of water is a good way to help you detoxify your system which is a good natural cure for acne.
You can treat many conditions with garlic, including acne. Garlic's anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties make it one of the best natural treatments for acne. You can crush garlic cloves into a pulp using a garlic press or mortar and pestle, and apply the mixture to your face.
Leave it on for about five minutes, not much longer, as otherwise it can cause an irritation. Your acne will soon start disappearing if you do this daily. You may also want to take a garlic supplement, which will help this process along and allow the garlic to work on you internally as well.
Getting rid of acne is a difficult process but not an impossible one. Many people don't give treatments enough time to work and give up too soon. You will have to try something to see if it will work for you but many people have found success with these treatments.
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