When you are 6 months pregnant, you would expect there to be some pretty profound changes, especially when you consider the fact that you are two thirds of the way done. However, it is not nearly as bad as some of the other things you may have experienced. Since your uterus will not be pressing down so hard on the bladder, you will feel a lot more comfortable. You might even feel like you have a lot more energy than you did in the first trimester. It is even common to feel an increase in libido during the sixth month.
There is only one way to be completely sure about the answer to, "how pregnant am I?" and that is to go see a doctor. Thought it might be expensive and it is not always convenient to drive across town during a work day to see a fertility doctor, it is necessary if you want to be totally sure. In fact, sometimes pregnancy tests are wrong and a blood test will be the only way to know for sure. So if you are looking for the first symptoms of pregnancy to determine whether or not you are with child, just save yourself the trouble. It is not going to get you anywhere.
For those that are serious about learning what things they should look for, there just are not that many. You do not see a lot of information on 5 weeks pregnant symptoms because they are so subtle. You might feel a little queasy. You might have some mood swings. Again, the mind will be playing a large role in this so it is important to use your own judgment here. In fact, many women have found out that they are 8 weeks along and as soon as they get the news, they start to feel sick to their stomach.
So if you are 6 months pregnant, get ready to experience some of these things. You definitely don't have to worry about dealing with them all. If you start to feel like things are getting too difficult, just remember that you are two thirds of the way done. You only have to do three more months, and then you will be able to realize how worth it everything was. There are plenty of things that will help you lose weight and get rid of stretch marks, so don't worry about handling them right now, either.