When you're creating your business there is a lot to think about. You're anxious about how much money it is going to cost to accomplish everything. Your web page will cost money. Buying promotion will probably cost money. You'll invest even more when you hire someone to help you keep things going. You may even be a little tempted to cut corners. The point is, however, that while selecting ways to spend less can sometimes being a help, sometimes it can also hurt you. You could easily get extremely hurt. Your biggest risk comes when you allow yourself violate the laws that surround and protect copyright and intellectual property. Check out these examples.
Stealing website designs. It is one thing to obtain a free theme for your website as well as to use a free website builder. Fully stealing someone else's layout, however, is not a good idea. Sure the web is a big place and the likelihood of the original designer ever finding out that you've stolen the design might be small, you still shouldn't do it. If you truly love the design and desire to use it for yourself, just contact the designer or the owner of the website and ask for their permission to either use that design on your own site or blog or ask the designer if he or she could put together a new design for you (be sure to ask for the price).
Using a photo or an image prior to obtaining permission. Just because a Yahoo and google image search returns a graphic or photo doesn't mean that the photo or graphic is part of the public domain. Google indexes graphics and links to the first website that displays it. This is okay. Using the image or picture on your own site without receiving permission from the creator or owner, however, is a violation of copyright law. If the owner finds this, you may get sued. Always contact the image owner first for permission to work with the picture. You may have to pay some cash but it is worth it if you can avert having legal action taken against you. If your funds are low, you can always hunt for free images or images launched with the Creative Commons licenses that allow people to use images commercially. Those tend to be completely fine for the public to use.
Using someone's written content. If you would like to utilize someone else's content on your own internet site it is vital that you give the original writer credit. If the written content you use is from another website, it is imperative that you make sure you put up a link to that site. This allows you to get favor from the primary author. If you do not supply credit or backlinks to the original author, you can get in huge trouble for copyright infringement and intellectual property theft. You'll shell out far more for the infringement than it might cost you to merely link to the original or even to hire someone to create the original content for you.
When you are creating your company, it is always better to be cautious. While you want to not spend as much, ensure that these savings are obtained legally. When you don't, the cost you may be experiencing will be a great deal more than it would have been otherwise.
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