When buying auto insurance there are many things you may want to think of before purchasing. Auto insurance can cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars a year and you want to be sure you are getting the most out of your money. You also want to be sure that you are properly covered in case anything was to happen.First of all you want to ask yourself what coverage your state requires you to have your vehicle legal for the road. Only choosing to insure your car with the minimum insurance usually isn't the best option to protect yourself and others. You have to be sure to have the minimum insurance requirement on your car or you could be left with some large fines form five hundred dollars or up. If you are caught many times without the proper auto insurance you could be looking at time in jail. Liability is required in every state. Some states allow you to prove that you are financially responsible instead of the minimum liability coverage. Be sure to protect yourself and others by getting minimum auto insurance.The next thing to ask yourself is if there are any good discounts offered by the insurance companies you are looking at. Does a certain insurance company give you discounts because of your work place or if you insure your other assets such as your house or boat with them. Workplace discounts can range from 10 to 20% depending on the insurance company. Multi-line discounts range from 10 to 30% and can give you some great advantages. Insurance companies also offer discounts if you are in school or are adding your children to your report, good grades can actually help lower your insurance rate. When getting a quote, be sure to ask the insurance company what discounts they offer and take advantage of as many as you can.Look at your vehicle and decide whether comprehensive and collision are really worth it. If your vehicle is a lease or has a loan against it, then comprehensive and collision are usually required. If your car is an older vehicle, with low value, then you would be saving hundreds of dollars a year by not having the comprehensive or collision. Comprehensive insurance covers things such as weather damage, theft and animal collisions. It can be extremely convenient but is pricy and is not worth it for a vehicle that doesn't have much value. Chose the insurance that best fits your needs and you could save some serious money.When deciding on insurance ask yourself if you can afford to have a deductible on your insurance policy. A deductible is the amount you have to pay when using any part of your insurance such as liability, comprehensive or collision. The deductible greatly affects your insurance premiums and you could save money by having a deductible on your premiums. They offer many deductible amounts from $250 to $1000 that change the amount you would have to pay. If you have an emergency fund or know that you will be able to come up with the money at anytime then a deductible is a great way to save money.Look at your vehicle, what kind of security features does it have, can you find an insurance company that will give you good discounts for having good security features. Insurance companies will give you discounts if you already have, or add security features such as anti-lock brakes and anti-theft systems. These systems deter thieves and help keep you safer on the road. There is nothing more important than safety and if it can help you save a few bucks then it is for the best.Be sure to ask yourself how many people you want to have on the policy and what the insurance company will charge you to have extra people. Your children are your pride and joy but they are also considered high risk when it comes to auto insurance. You can be paying high premiums for your teenager to spend his or her time cruising around. Ask the insurance company if they have discounts for good grades and whether it is worth insuring your teenager on your policy.The last thing to ask yourself if how you use your vehicle and how many miles you put on your vehicle a year. Insurance companies will look at how many miles you are driving per year and decide what kind of premium you are going to pay. The more mileage you put on your car the more likely you are to be in an accident. Calculate properly how many miles you drive to work every day and then include personal trips. Be prepared to give a good estimate of how many miles you drive every year.Be sure to be prepared to shop around for the best quote and look into the many different aspects and coverage you are going to need from your auto insurance. There is the right insurance for you out there somewhere. What may be right for you may not be right for someone else. Every person is different.Get five more tips by claiming your free copy of a report that I wrote called 'five Little-Known Secrets that Can SAVE YOU HUNDREDS or even Thousands of Dollars on Auto Insurance '.