There are a great deal of massage tables for sale, and selecting the greatest one will take a bit of examining and shopping around. The same table won't be the greatest for everyone therefore you need to consider what sort of massage you carry out, where the table will be and how much your budget allows.
Massage is pretty well accepted, and having a suitable table can make the experience that much more agreeable and therapeutic. Subsequent are some factors to utilize if you're considering acquiring a massage table for your home or practice.
The height of your massage table is a very important factor, unless you're planning to get the electric kind that's adjustable. Since the height of the table will determine how comfortable you are while giving a massage, it is something that will have a greater impact on you than on your clients. This depends on how tall you are as well as the techniques you use. You want to avoid bending over too much while you work. You'll be the one needing a massage soon because your back will end up strained. In general, tables that are somewhat higher are preferable, but if you are slightly shorter, this might not be a good option for you.
If you want to get a top of the line massage table, you may want to consider the type of model used in salons and spas. These are robust, very cozy and might come equipped with an electric lift.
Those tables are certainly stationary and projected to stay in one location because they are pretty big and burdensome. Other than them being comfortable and pretty tough, spa quality massage tables instantly classify you as a professional with a serious practice. For sure, you can still be an awesome massage therapist with a less pricey or maybe moveable table, although some people like the image as well as the quality of these robust units. It is contingent on your needs, the sort of practice you have and the amount of money you have.
If you are limited from a financial viewpoint, you may want to think about buying a second-hand massage table that is in good condition. In this case, you will probably want to make it a local purchase or the cost of transport will make it as expensive as a new table. You can look for ads in your immediate vicinity on classified ads sites, such as Craigslist. Another source for classified ads is the local newspaper and you can also check out various other publications. You never know, someone might even advertise inside a health food store, on their bulletin board, the fact that they are selling a massage table.
Tables are an essential factor of any massage practice. Clients may not give much thought to the table they're lying on, but if it's uncomfortable or, even worse, not sturdy, then you can be sure they'll notice it. As you shop for your table keep these tips in mind. You can count on your table to increase your own performance as well.