It does not cost much to buy a new car at the repossessed auto auctions. So it is really within your reach if you have been dreaming of driving home a BMW 3 Series. Here are some quick tips that you can pick up if you are not sure how a repossessed auto auction works.Introduction - What Exactly Is a Repossessed/Seized VehicleRepossessed property also includes vehicles. These are all seized, surplus and unclaimed equities which the government agencies try to sell away to recover administrative costs. The auctioned cars can also come from banks, financial lenders, police and other government agencies.Types Of Vehicles Put On AuctionYou can practically find all kinds of vehicles put up for sale at the repossessed auto auctions. From SUVs, to sedans and sports convertibles, you get a whole range of vehicles. The condition of these vehicles may vary from slightly scratched to being badly damaged. But the good thing is the majority are in excellent working condition. Sometimes, you may even find cars which are a few months old priced at less than 60% of its normal retail price.Prices of VehiclesThese vehicles start with very low prices and are bid upwards by interested parties. If the car model is a hot favorite, then it can skyrocket to ridiculous prices. That said, most people are still able to drive home a set of wheels for 80% off the showroom price. Such seized or repossessed vehicles are better deals than buying from private car dealers.Basic Rules and RequirementsThere are general rules and requirements to abide by. Firstly, most require bidders to be at least 18 years old and hold a driving license. Some require you to pay a registration fee to enter and bid. Ideally, you should carry a copy of Kelly Blue Book when you enter these places as it would help you to know the estimated value of the cars. Bring along a qualified auto mechanic as well so that he can provide a preliminary inspection.Repossessed Auto Auctions VenuesSuch auctions happen all the time and at all places throughout the year so you should be able to find one near home. For a start, call up the local government agencies branches and banks or even auction houses for a schedule. Check out the local newspapers for advertisements for auctions also.The most convenient way of finding such car auctions is to use online auction directories. From there, you would be able to know exactly when and where the auctions are taking place. On top of that, you would know what vehicles are being offered. For a low one-time fee, you can have unlimited access to their databases of the latest news about repossessed auto auctions at your finger tips.Begin your car search today through my car blog and drive home your dream car at huge discounts.