Starting your own hair salon or day spa can be overwhelming at times however, when it comes to marketing salons or day spa marketing there are just a few simple steps to ensure your efforts don't go unrewarded. In this article we're going to discuss the one of the most integral components of salon marketing which involved a strategic salon marketing plan and most of all, at first, market research.
Market research is the only way you're going to fully understand your desired audience. The more of it you do, the more it will benefit your business. It will also determine whether your idea gets off the ground and, if it does, form the basis of your marketing strategies from then on. In essence, you'll now become an eagle, always on the lookout for market research methodologies and strategies which will help your business grow. Pinpointing the movement in the market, understanding your client's behavior, and being ahead of the game, will call for constant analysis of your surroundings and business environment.
All stylists in business for themselves (or for that matter any business owner/manager) need to ask the following questions in order to understand the needs of their clients/target market, and to devise the most effective marketing strategies.
o Who are my current clients? o What will they think of my new business, and do I care? o Do the clients I want differ from the clients I have? o If so, who do I want as new clients? o Where do they live? o What income level do they fit? o Can I meet their expectations? o Am I going to be open and available at times most convenient for my local community and/or clients? o Will my prices represent value for them? o How will my business compare with those of my competitors?
Market research allows you to give your clients what they want, not just what you want to give them. People's behavior, and how they feel, are influenced by countless subjective factors. Never decide you know what people want without asking them first. World leading companies have goofed multiple times not doing this. Finally, and most importantly (whether you offer a service or products or both), ask potential clients what (at the end of the day) they're prepared to pay for what you're offering them.
Begin your market research by sourcing as much data on your competitors as you can - everything from location and decor through price lists to services offered and more.
Next, contact your local Small Business Development Centre and ask for information on market research for small businesses. Also enrol for any marketing courses they have available.
Make use of the free research facilities at your local or state Library
Survey potential clients (see below) and start compiling your own data.
Tip bits
o If you're not constantly researching the market (even if it's only in your head), your business in on its way to being two parts dead!
o Don't let market research become a dull and boring process, be sure to enjoy the game as much as you can...and staying there.
o Don't survey family or friends if they tell you what you want to hear. When analyzing your 'strengths and weaknesses' be sure to be as honest as possible with yourself as well as asking advise from those you know will help you with an honest appraisal. It's imperative that you establish the most solid grounding for WHY the new venture is for you. (NB: you can find numerous strength and weaknesses tests online.)