Capture the wonder and joy of your Little Einstein s first birthday with a Baby Einstein birthday party. Since Baby Einstein helps teach children about animals and colors, try to incorporate these things in order to come up with some ingenious 1st birthday party ideas.
Cut an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of cardstock into 4 pieces. Either download Baby Einstein animals or use die cut ducks, frogs, cats, dogs, turtles, etc. and glue to one side of the cardstock. Type or handwrite your party details in calligraphy on a decorative piece of scrapbook paper. Cut the scrapbook paper with decorative scissors to a finished size of 3 x 4 1/2 . Glue to the back of the cardstock. Finish it off by decorating the corners with Baby Einstein stickers. Here s some suggested wording for your invite:
Hooray for you,
Hooray for me.
Come have fun,
I m turning one!
The best colors to use are the primary ones, which are red, blue, green, and yellow.
Use lots of twisted streamers to decorate your ceiling. Add clusters of balloons with curling ribbons cascading down in all of the party room s corners.
Create a fun centerpiece by cutting off the top of a clean 1/2 gallon milk carton. Cover it with red, blue, green, or yellow wrapping paper. Decorate it with Baby Einstein stickers, or download pictures of Baby Einstein characters and glue to the sides. Fill it with a weighted bouquet of helium and Mylar Baby Einstein balloons, colorful tissue paper, and curling ribbons.
Make numbers, letters, various shapes and animals out of construction paper or poster board and hang on the walls.
Create placemats by laminating pictures of Baby Einstein characters.
Attach red, blue, green, and yellow helium balloons to wood stakes and line walkway.
Play Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart in the background.
To magnify your theme, create exploration tables for your little ones to enjoy exploring. Be sure to have parents or helpers at each table to assist with the various activities.
Instrument Table Try to have a diverse assortment of musical instruments available. Size appropriate and easy to use instruments like cymbals, tambourines, bells, chimes, shakers, cowbells, maracas, rhythm sticks, ukulele, and triangle are all great choices.
Building Table Have available blocks, stack n sort cubes, geometric stackers, alphabet nesting stacking blocks, and shape sorting cubes for building fun.
Puzzle Table Chunky puzzles are a perfect addition to this theme party. Look for puzzles that are farm animals, construction, dinosaurs, fish, jungle animals, house pets, shapes, cars, etc.
Toy Table Lots of toys provide educational fun and some of the best option are a Baby Einstein Octoplush, Press & Play Pals Dragon, Tummy Tickers Bird, Tummy Ticklers Dog, Tummy Ticklers Dragon, Discovery Sounds Home, and Fisher Price Lil People Musical Zoo Train.
Use Wilton s mini sports ball cake pan, which makes 6 half balls, to create a Baby Einstein caterpillar cake. Frost each ball red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and purple. Place caterpillar domes close together and crooked (like it is crawling) on cake cardboard. Add chocolate chips for eyes and shoestring licorice for antenna. If you need more cake for the guests, just double the recipe and make your caterpillar longer.
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Find more entertaining Baby Einstein Party ideas by visiting website, a party planning website written and edited by Professional Organizer, Elizabeth Chastain. Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.