Have you ever gone through the tedious process of trying to upload and download music to your iPod or iPhone to only end up unappeased and unhappy. I was going to take the time to pull out all of my CDs and re-download them into iTunes, I even thought about repurchasing some of the songs that I don't have CDs for. Just the thought of doing this made me upset. Not only was it a waste of time, I had to find the time. I was very frustrated when I got a new iPod and could not figure out a way to transfer all of my files. Needless to say, I used my old iPod for 2 months before I was able to use my new one. This troubled me because this high tech device should be more user friendly, especially with the high cost that's associated with owning one. While its easy to get music on your iPod, its difficult to get music from your iPod to your compupter. The good news is that I found a program that allowed me to transfer all of my files. This program is great it allowed me to transfer music, videos and photos. It even allows you to copy your files. I've never seen an iPod program that could do that. I simply transferred my data from my iPod to the computer and from the computer to my new iPod. You would think that this information would be more readily available. I was so relieved to learn that I didn't have to repurchase and re-download all of my music and pictures over again. While the iPod is one of the best invention of modern time; it doesn't come with a detailed instruction manual. If you are having trouble transferring your iPod this software will help you.