Everyone expects their house to have a waterproofed basement now a days. Practically every homeowner understands the importance of keeping their home free from flooding and leaking. Naturally, people that own homes don't want to have water damage problems. And not builders ensure that proper waterproofing methods are followed.
The cause for concerns revolves around the understanding that mold, bacteria and mildew live very well in highly humid conditions. What is mold? It's a type of fungi that occurs naturally. Usually it doesn't cause us any trouble, but when found in the home it can cause chronic respiratory problems and other ailments.
Most times a test for mold will indicate the true extentof the situation, but often it's easy to see. However, mold is just one of many problems that are caused by a poorly waterproofed basement. Those cracks in the basement can also let termites and other bugs get into your home. Those nuisances can result in a large amount of damage to the structure.
In addition to posing a potentially serious health hazard, these problems can result in a significant depreciation in the value of the property. It's for these reasons that it's almost always a good idea to ensure your basement is properly waterproofed. It surely makes the basement living room a nicer place and costs less than removing mold.
It's too late to do all this after the fact. Once mold is in your house, it needs to be removed. You will end up having to remove anything that's been contaminated and replace with new material. Mold removal is not simple work and a great inconvenience to those who have to live through it.
If you're the type to get your hands dirty, there's something you can do. Obviously this is dependent on how good you are with your hands. There are two uncomplicated undertakings that the average homeowner can do to ensure water stays out of the basement. These things won't require a lot skill, just some effort.
The very first thing you should check is the slope of the ground against the side of your house. Over time the earth will settle around the house allowing water to run against the wall. As the years go by, the earth around the house will settle and it will begin sloping towards the building.You want any runoff to go away from house, not towards it. If you're in this predicament then you need to change the slope by adding more soil or gravel near the wall.
You also need to inspect the downspouts. Ideally the downspout should stop approximately six feet away from the wall. That way the water will get absorbed into the ground as it exits the downspout. The spring-type extension are nice because they only unroll when they fill up with water. They're close at hand when you need them, yet out-of-the-way when you don't.
These are the two most common issues that cause wet basements. Older homes in particular often suffer from these situations They are pretty straight forward to correct so you may want to consider doing them yourself.
It's simpler and more economical to deal with waterproofing a basement before you start getting problems such as mold growth. You don't need to spend a fortune. There companies out there that are cost conscientious just like you.Keep your basement dry and free of any problems by addressing the situation now. It's easier when you deal with these issues proactively than trying to fix them as they happen.
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You can get more info on getting rid of mold here. Acquire the hottest user reviews and summaries on black mold remediation right now.