11.000 years of History and countless civilisations delivered to Anatolian People a very rich Heritage of Natural Healing Guide of Garden Pharmacy, Floral Essences, Homeopathy, Herbs, Natural Beauty, Treatments, Self Healing Techniques and Alternative Therapies.
The Basics of these Natural Healings Guides where build up by the Ancient Civilisations like the Homeopathy Tunnel of the Askleipion in Pergamon.
The patients with no surgery needed diseases where walking tru a Tunnel and suggesting themselfs with a loud voice that they feel well and not sick… This method was owned up later by the Seljuks on different ways.
The Herb Therapy of the wise womens are called the Sybille’s was very famous method of Ancient Anatolia. Most Common used herbs where Olive Oil known as the oil of te Gods, Oregano, Cinnamon, Stinger, Mint, Euphorbia and many others…
Olive Oil was used as a medicine and in many Natural Beauty Methods. Cinnamon was mixed with Honey and used for many diseases in oral and moisturizing methods.
The Natural Healing Methods of the Sybille’s where owned up in time by womans and called as a common Term “ Koca Karı ilaçları†(Medicines of old woman) which where still used today as Alternative Therapies.
The Ottomans organised and re collected this Ancient heritage of Natural healing Methods under Darüşşifa’s ( Hospitals ) and improved with new Alternative Therapies like Music Therapy for mentally candicapped people and reached a very high level in Alternative Therapie Science in comparison with the rest of the World.