Adult education is an option that a lot of Americans and even many people all over the developed world seriously consider these days, unlike what was in the past. And it should be, with the many avenues that it leave open to you, it is not something that you want to leave as a mere thought. But only if you take the bold steps will you earn from it.
There are a lot of people all around you who never had any schooling. A lot of them are living substandard lives because they cannot do well by themselves. If you care, you could introduce them to adult education; give them a chance to make a living for themselves.
Some of the most popular adult education packages in the United States are those propounded by government agencies. They are also some of the most successful because they have adequate funding and manpower. You might want to try one out for yourself.
A lot of businesses want their staff updated with the latest of technology and processes. They bring pro adult educators in all the time to help out with these things. It might be your best opportunity, so don't miss it.
Back in the day, when adult education was just starting out, it was focused almost exclusively on teaching adults to read and write. Today, you could learn almost anything and even get far higher educationally than you ever thought possible. I think the world is simply going to a place where anything is possible.
There are lots of folks who had opportunities to become far more than they could ever imagine, but they wasted such when they were growing up. They live in regret as adults because they don't see a way out. Well, adult education is that way out for them. But only if you get started in taking action towards improving your life, educationally.