A young man was explaining to his father how he didn t need to practice football anymore since they have not lost a game all season. The father took the son to his workshop and laid a thin piece of wooden board on his workbench and handed his son a penknife. He told him to scratch a line across the middle of the board. He then locked up the board and penknife. Everyday after practice he took it out and repeated the performance deepening the groove.
Then the night came when there was no groove. The last light effort had cut the board in two. The father looked up and said, You never would have believed this was possible with such little effort, would you? The success or failure of you life depends on not so much or how hard you try, but the accumulation of your efforts and whether you keep at it.
I remember reading this little antidote some time back and learned that persistence and continual effort is one of the most powerful forces contributing to success. People that haven t even graduated high school or never finished college often achieve outstanding success because they don t know how to quit. They succeed because they are determined to.
Your success and progress multiplies itself out of proportion to the amount of effort put forth. Take small goals and accumulate steps at a time toward your main goal, even if it s seems small or inconsequential.
Take Marketing, for example. Say you have a product to sell; it’s a really great product and you have faith in it producing some income for you. You don’t have a lot of money to market, but you have some drive.
At first, you send out some advertising to a few free advertising sites and you do this for a couple of days with no results. So, you try another advertising site with a little money for a couple of days and get the same results.
Now, you give up and think that you need to have a lot of money to advertise this great product. So, you keep your day job trying to earn the money you need to advertise to make money online so you can quit your job and make more money online.
It is this endless cycle that keeps all of us in debt and with jobs we hate.
My point is to continue with the free advertising sites every day continuously. The cost is only time and persistence. There really is no One Day, Overnight Magic formula. The Magic is in persistence
True success takes motivation, effort, work, time and passion. If anyone tells you different, turn around and run as fast as you can. They are trying to take your dreams from you.
If your product is good, whether it is your own or an affiliate product, stay consistent in your advertising. Very soon, may take a couple of weeks, you will have the money it takes to take your product to the next level of marketing, paid marketing.
Look first in the budget minded area. You can find many marketing companies the will help you get started low and increase as you can afford.
This is exactly how I started. Slow and low (budget). As my money increased so did my marketing, always looking for the target audience I need to: 1: help them to succeed; and 2: help me to earn. The best is always to help someone else first; then you will succeed All Ways.
Finally, a way to Learn and Earn what you need to be solvent and debt free.