The fact is that roofing has changed significantly in recent years and among the areas that has been modified the most is just how much it costs. Flat roofing particularly has shot way up in price and one of the biggest reasons for this cost enhance is the price of new roofing supplies like membrane, and rubber roofing systems.
Now just what exactly is it that a typical contractor looks at and takes into account when he crunches his number to come up with a final estimate? For certain it need to involve far more than merely counting off the square feet? There has to be a lot more to it than that and one more question that residence and business owners are asking, is why the new longer lasting materials price more.
The first thing you should know is that there are several matters that may be taken into account in your estimate, and obviously the very first one is going to be roof size. That is the total square footage of your roof. Then the other huge price factor is going to be whether or not it needs a tear off because a tear off job can add up to 30% to your final price.
Then there are things like accessibility. That is how easily it will be to bring trucks in to cart off the tear off, and of course load the roof. In short, the more difficult and cumbersome it can be, the higher your final price will probably be. Possibly you can take it upon your self to close off a parking lot, or take down a section of fence.
There is a full list new materials to select from and while they do last a heck of a good deal longer they also cost more to manufacture. Also as far as rubber roofing is concerned, you do have a selection of a few various varieties. As an example you'll find cold application liquid rubber goods, or you are able to go with what they call torch down.
Still in the final summary, it's critical that you not lose track of one really important truth. That is that with so many options in newer systems available 1 can easily forget that older style tar and gravel, hot mopped roofs are still becoming laid down. Now for certain they don't last as long as newer rubber and membrane systems, but they're the cheapest choice.
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Written by Frank Sage. Visit to find more about rubber roofing and flat roofing systems.