Several approaches exist to learning violin, each with their own perks and drawbacks. Since the benefits of private lessons are much more well known, today we'll take a look at the perks of the newest method of learning, online violin lessons.
The first thing you'll notice when you take a glance is going to be the price. The bulk of such courses can be bought for less than thirty dollars. They are set up to teach you everything from start to finish. The price is comparable to the cost of a single private lesson from a competent instructor.
These lessons can be taken anywhere at any time. This means that you don't have to deal with scheduling lessons or rescheduling them around vacations. Even if you move, you won't have to put your progress on hold. You don't have to drive to and from your lessons either, meaning more money in your pocket and more time to practice.
You get access to the expertise of the best teachers when you go the digital route. You'd break your bank account if you could even attempt to learn from them in person. Since they could invest their time once and make the lessons available to all who are interested, it is within reach of almost anyone to learn from a master.
Eric Lewis teaches the Violin Master Pro course, one of the most popular out there. He is widely known for his role in the Manhattan String Quartet. Because of the medium, it is cheaper to learn from him than it is to watch him play. Being able to learn from someone at that level can help you jump over common problems and advance much more quickly.
You can learn at your own pace with these courses. If you feel you need to spend more time on a particular lesson or technique you can without feeling like you're going to be wasting your next scheduled lesson, as you might in person. Additionally, if you ever feel like you've forgotten something, you can go back over the lesson in all of its detail. For face to face lessons you're left with either your memory or your notes, so if you remember something that was slightly off, you'll be practicing the wrong thing until the next lesson. Sometimes you will find a need to take a break from violin. Using this approach you can restart any time you like without problems.
Online violin lessons are also unique in another respect. Some are guaranteed to help you play at a certain level or your money back. You can't get this for anything else in the field. When you look at it like this, there's no risk to you. You usually have two months to test it out from the purchase date for this to apply.
Digital violin lessons offer an unique opportunity for would-be violinists. They allow anyone access to learning violin where before there was a question of money or time. They aren't necessarily the right move for everyone, due to personal style and preference, but at this price they can easily be used as a supplement to any other lessons you may decide to take.