As a merchant you know the expense of credit card transactions. Anytime a customer makes a purchase with a credit card you have to pay Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, a fee. This two percent plus fee really adds up over many transactions and can take a significant margin from your profits. Most merchants view it like taxes and death (it happens) and pay it. As a merchant you have no other choices because most customers are using credit cards. However it beats the alternative of "no sale" or placing the sale in accounts receivable. It is much better to get paid now than perhaps getting paid later. So the convenience of using credit cards is ultimately worth the price. But there is a new and better way of dealing with this on-going issue. You may want to consider setting up a merchant account with Paypal which will provide the service you need for your customers and lower your costs thus increasing your profits.
The interchange rate that is used by cards like Visa and MasterCard are pretty much standard for all merchants. Because of this merchants can compete on an equal basis up to a point. If a merchant decides to go lower than interchange they make up the difference in price someplace else. Most merchants look for the lowest rate possible and for a reliable and trustworthy credit card merchant account contract without trying to make up for the rate in some other method like a higher price on the service or merchandise.
Essentially you can find a lower rate with a merchant account with Paypal and still have the benefits of a reliable and trustworthy service contract with personal service and a service representative. This service provides you all the essentials of a contract and an account in which you will receive personalized service from a direct representative.
As a merchant you will have access to 24/7 terminal support and a world class support staff with the technology to deal with any issues that may occur. You will also get fast results from the service center located in Michigan and not from a service center located somewhere outside the United States. They have a track record of success and a first class service record for helping their customers. With the best available technology they process your transactions fast, accurately, and efficiently. This is the type of service you should demand with any contract you sign. With a merchant account with Paypal you will be joining many other merchants who are discovering the value of alternatives to the traditional credit cards.
Remember your time is valuable and if your present merchant account is not doing its job you are spending too much time dealing with problems. That is time you are not spending with building your business and creating good relationships with your clients or customers. You want to be in a position to reap the rewards of doing good business and creating good customer relationships. Do you and your business a favor by looking into the new trend in credit card merchant accounts where you pay less and get more benefits and better service experience.