You will engage in a losing battle by removing unwanted hair through shaving, waxing, or electrolysis. When it comes to this, touted by doctors and day spas as the best way to achieve hairless lips, bikini lines, legs, and backs is laser hair removal, years after the first hair removing laser was approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Taking this treatment into consideration, people spend more than $1 billion for it every year making it one of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures to date.
What laser treatment is by far is the most effective option but it won't get rid of unwanted body hair entirely. To achieve the best and barest results, you need to have numerous treatments that can end up costing thousands of dollars. Patients with certain skin types may suffer scarring and pigment changes. This is a procedure which can lead to burns and blisters if done wrong.
Targeted by the laser in this case is the melanin pigment in the hair follicle. When a laser is flashed across the skin, it essentially ignores the lighter skin surface and instead zooms into the dark follicle, beats it up and kills it, leaving the skin virtually unscathed.
Although it will not zap all hair, it can permanently reduce much of it, about 30 to 75 percent within one year, after a series of treatments. When it comes to this, hair that is lighter, finer, and easier to control is left. With at least four to six treatments over about three months, a noticeable improvement is possible. Here, lasers target growing hair only and at any given time a number of body hairs are dormant or dead.
Considering patients with light skin and dark hair, they will benefit from laser hair removal. What happens with lasers is that they don't work on grey hair and rarely on blonde hair. Here, lasers target pigment and so they don't work well on people with dark or tanned skin.
The reason why doctors perform test patches is for them to see how an individual's skin and hair responds to the treatment. A patient should visit a doctor who specializes in hair removal on darker skin if his skin tans easily and easily burns. In this case, experienced doctors can treat darker skinned patients but hair removal usually takes longer and is often less effective. You should not have hair removed when your skin is tanned.
Lasers are beneficial but they can be a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. What was happening is that they were increasingly repairing damage caused by laser hair removal about half of the dermatologists that participated in a recent survey mentioned. Since the laser is under a rental arrangement, hair removal may only be offered on certain days and this could be a red flag. When it comes to this, if they're renting a laser once a week, they experience might be questioned. As most people say, the treatment feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin. When it hurts more, this is a good sign that it's not being done properly. Lasers with cooling tips, gels, or cooling sprays are used by doctors. Prior to clearing up, the skin may be red or crusty at first. Running to about $300 to $700 per session is the cost of a bikini line and that for a man's back will amount to $1,000 or more per treatment but some people need as much as eight to ten sessions.
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For more information on laser hair removal check out hair removal sydney .To keep learning about laser hair removal be sure to check out laser hair removal sydney .