What types of rift bugs do you think will exist? What i've seen in previous mmo history you should expect many different variations of the dupe bug in ways you can't presume possible. Players have continually found creative ways to destroy a game. Speed hacks will be typical but I understand the developers discovered a way to identify this quite effortlessly. Maybe we will find some warping techniques or means to level overly fast. What's amazing about bugs in games is they show up in the utmost haphazard of places and cause the most random consequences.
Rift hacking sites are rare at the moment but assume that will pick up as the game arrives. Launch day is near so several fan sites will start to arrive in the coming days. Which will endure and which will be unsuccessful? Some may exclusively be here for a quick buck while others may actually care about the game and its playerbase. You can be absolutely certain many forums will grow up around the various souls in the game to accomodate proper analysis
What type of player will purchase rfit? Rift kind of looks like an unique spin on WoW and thats not such a bad thing. Perhaps the players will be more mature and less of the jerks. It would be a different change of pace instead of dealing with annoying kids who think everything revolved around their stats and 1702 dps they can get on their main. Don't be so heavy about a game its not that big a deal. I can imagine Rift maintaining a more developed player base than those in other MMORPG's. I would welcome the change to the foolish chatter you encounter in WoW all day long. Crazy meme's copied over and over and the lamest jokes nonstop.
What about rift cheats for raiding? What does the raiding environment look like in rift? I have seen cheats in the past that would allow you to get several treasure chests from slaying targets. Bug the monster for free money. Cheat the encounter and make it super easy has also been seen previously. Surely these will appear in the game at some point so be on the lookout for these hacks.
Riftcheats.net knows what you want when it comes to everything cheating in Rift. Get the collectors edition its perfect and extraordinary. You'll receive the collectors satchel which is a 24 slot backpack in addition to the tartagon turttle mount. Both are exceptional items and you'll be given them as soon as you activate the game.