Commercial Lockers with an optional Locking Coin feature are fast becoming the ideal solution wherever safe temporary storage for clothing, valuables, retail purchases, and other items is required. The principle is very simple. An optional locking coin feature is assembled on to a new or existing locker. This optional locking coin feature has a key that can not be removed from the lock until a deposit of a coin is inserted. When the coin (or token) is inserted the key will open the locker door and the user can place his or her items inside. The key is removed and the door is locked. Then when the user wishes to retrieve his or her things, the key is inserted to open the locker door. Depending on the model you wish to install, the coin deposit may or may not be returned. If the coin is not returned then the locker owner has chosen to keep the coin as a rental fee. If the coin is returned then the user will typically use the locker for shorter periods of time because he or she wishes to retrieve the coin deposit.
Commercial Lockers with an optional Locking Coin feature are becoming a very popular security feature in the retail industry. In order to prevent or limit the ease of shoplifting, many retail stores ask an arriving customer to place their bags or other items in a secure locker. This eliminates the possibility that the shopper will shoplift an item by slipping it into the bag of an earlier purchase. Honest shoppers understand the need for this security and virtually all are happy to comply with the retailer’s request.
Some of the new Commercial Lockers with an optional Locking Coin feature have a 2 coin insertion option that offers the locker owner more flexibility in the management of his lockers. These types of 2 coin deposit locks will minimize the risk of key losses and the owner will earn profits because one coin is kept as a locker use fee. This system combines the convenience of a deposit with the profitability of a rental. The advantages of this system are numerous including saving on personnel costs because of the self service aspect, elimination of key loss and implied liability, high customer satisfaction, and higher profits. Other innovations that will be coming to the market soon will be a feature to protect against hidden theft and a feature to prevent the use of the locker beyond the permitted time.
Another aspect of the Commercial Lockers with an optional Locking Coin feature
is that management can substitute tokens for the coins and assign any value it wishes to the value of the token. This gives management the flexibility to set and change prices at any time because the price is represented by the token. The investment in the locker and lock installation can be paid for in a relatively short period of time.
Although almost all lockers can be used with an optional Locking Coin feature, we recommend solid plastic lockers because they save money in the long term. These lockers are built of solid HDPE (high density polyethylene) plastic and will not rust or corrode. They do not delaminate and resist mildew and odors. They never need painting because the color is throughout the material. They are also highly impact resistant and vandal resistant. And as an added bonus, graffiti is easily wiped away with common cleaners. They are almost the perfect solution as Commercial Lockers with an optional Locking Coin feature.
Author Resource: XPB Locker. Read more about commercial lockers with an optional locking coin.