Fifth Science is a spiritual mind science exclusive to the Gnostic Druze Brotherhood. It consists of Gnostic doctrines reflective of reality that is combined with the metaphysical, philosophical theorems and the ancient wisdom of Greek philosophers. Among the Druzes, there is a difference in their identity because there those considered as the Authentic Gnostics and just the Druze.
Gnosis is an ancient Greek terminology that is associated with True Knowledge which is believed to be the Universal Mind. Accordingly, the Universal Mind is the core logic of Fifth Science. The spiritual identity of the Druze Brotherhood is a mystery itself because it is not taught outside the confines of its sacred halls and there are spiritual and age levels which qualify a member to take the teachings. This in itself also constitutes the forbidden knowledge among the Druzes. Consequently, the silence of the Authentic Gnostics made their spiritual identity hidden from mass consciousness, for fear of persecutions from the religious sects and the Muslims alike.
The informative approach to the Fifth Science has been replaced by a site that triggers comments and posts of philosophical, metaphysical and spirituality of nature with Gnostic significance. Site visitors and members can log on to the site to post using the blogs and forum tools. There are people in authority who will be directly in touch with the visitors, responding to queries and posting replies to comments and blogs. In the interactive mode, participation and learning becomes more dynamic. Eventually, an online dialogue will be pursued.
There are several topics which have been posted to shed light on the Fifth Science. Also, a section about the mind science is made available to those who want to refresh or learn about the Fifth Science. The ongoing discussions are facilitated by the Authentic Gnostics themselves and friends who have a comprehensive understanding of the core logic of the mind science of the Druze Brotherhood. Although, some are not necessarily Druze themselves. Sharing experiences is allowed in the site.
Gnosticism has been a popular religious identity before the Adamic Fall. Gnosis is a Greek term which means knowledge. Accordingly, Gnosis is not common, hence, there were only a few people/sects who possess Gnosis and were referred to as Gnostics. There were also varied Gnostic formations at the time but the Authentic Gnostics come from the ranks of the Druze Brotherhood. The brotherhood is a secretive society which came from the mountainous and secluded regions of Lebanon. Hence, the Druze Brotherhood of the Levants.
From this brotherhood, the manuscript from which the Fifth Science was obtained survived the years of religious persecution and ridicule. Breaking the silence, the Authentic Gnostic of the Druze Brotherhood came forward and established sites wherein societies and humanity will have access to its teachings. The manuscript had been translated into English by its scholarly members for the benefit of members who have been deprived of the true knowledge. Coming from the ranks themselves, the people behind the Fifth Science site feel their forsaken identity will have to be brought out to cast away negative notions and biases against it.
Author Resource:
Mount Lebanon is the author of this article on Spirituality .
Mount Lebanon is the author of this article on law of attraction .