If you have been having difficulty keeping the payments on your mortgage up to date or you currently find yourself way behind without a clear plan for catching up, you may be somewhat relieved to find out that you are not the only homeowner in these types of situations. Hundreds of borrowers have their homes repossessed each and every year. It is very important that you begin to develop and carry out a clear plan of action clear up the past due payments so that you can avoid losing your home to lender repossession. When a borrower is not able to repay their mortgage, the lender will seek to recover as much of their funds as possible by taking ownership of the home and selling it. Unfortunately, if this happens to you, then you will be forced to vacate the home and find someplace else to live.
Fortunately, there is an option available to you that will allow you to remain in your home and repay what you owe to your mortgage lender. This will entail selling your home to a company that will pay you cash for the property and turn around and rent it back to you for an affordable amount. This is in fact a perfect solution as it will allow you to avoid the lender repossession, the associated moving costs and the shame and disgrace that would accompany being removed from your home.
You will be able to submit your application to an honest company with an existing history of helping people who are dealing with the exact same situation that you are. In less than 24 hours after you have submitted your online application, you will have a verbal estimate of how much cash you will receive for selling your home. If the verbal estimate is acceptable, then someone will come to your home, perform an appraisal or valuation, and provide a written quote letting you know the exact amount that you will receive. The appraisal will be based upon several factors, such as the location of your home, the size and details of the home, the condition of your property, the type of property. The quote will also advise you of the amount of rent you will be paying to continue living in your home as well as the amount that you can pay to repurchase the property if your finances were to improve in the future.
This type of transaction will offer you the chance to clear up your past due mortgage, avoid repossession, and provide you some time to potentially turn around your financial situation. You will no longer have to worry about the harassing phone calls and threatening letters from your lender. If you have sufficient equity, you may also have the chance to pay down some of the other debts. You may even be able to buy back your home.
Falling behind on your mortgage payments and dealing with the looming possibility of losing your home altogether can negatively impact you and your entire family s finances, health and overall well being. People dealing with these situations have been shown to suffer higher levels of stress, loss of sleep and even fall into depression. If you find it a constant struggle each month to make your mortgage payments, or even worse if you have already fallen substantially behind, then you should consider selling your home and renting it back through one the these well established organizations. It could completely turn your life around and be the reason that you are able to sit comfortably in the place that you call home in the future.
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