Alot of guys make many crucial mistakes when it comes to learning how to seduce a girl. Many adult men make the terrible error in believing that a girl can be seduced the exact same way a man would be. On top of this, most guys simply let girls walk all over them in hopes that the girl will eventurally date them This is a horrible way to go about meeting and talking to girls and it will actually end up scaring many of them away
It is crucial to recognize that females attraction process is incredibly different than mens but also extremely similar at the same time. One issue you ought to understand if you want to understand exactly how to seduce a lady is that they become aroused by feelings caused by the guy. This is contrary to what many men believe since they think girls logically become attracted to guys based on his beliefs or him being nice to them
This is simply not how female attraction works
To truly understand how to seduce a girl you need to realize that logic plays no part in it. The only way to truly become a master seducer is to understand how a girls attraction system works. Fortunately their are countless articles across the internet explaining exactly how to do this.
Overall though, women are drawn to alpha behavior. This does not mean running around a bar beating your chest and attacking everyone though. Alpha behavior simply is taking the mans role in an interaction. Obviously, men are meant to lead when it comes to a relationship and be the stone. However, today many guys let the girls lead so they become very unattractive. This is one of the main blunders men make when it comes to girls.
In order to seduce a girl you are going to have to sweep her off her feet. You cannot do this by being apologetic about who you are and meeting her every whim. Having attributes like strong eye contact, being confident and speaking your mind are extremely attractive traits that many men simply do not display when they meet a girl. In order to be very attractive though, you are going to have to get used to being these things. This is one huge part of being attractive to girls.
Stop being afraid to to take charge and man up and you will start seeing results. This does not mean you have to be a jerk, it just mean you have to be a man.