In case you took out your loan, mortgage, credit card or store card, the cost of the ppi policy and how it worked had not been appropriately explained to you, you can mae ppi claims as there is a possibility this was mis-sold to you. If you had been told you could only take the loan if ppi cover is going to be taken alongside. In some of the application, the ppi box was pre ticked; you may have a case of mis-sold payment protection insurance and may be able to make ppi claims for that reason. Furthermore, if you failed to have a job through the purchase of the policy or was self-employed, then the policy hasn't been suitable to you and you will never benefit with its cover so you have got a valid ppi claims which you'll produce.
In case you have a single premium policy, rather than regular premium, this can also be a foundation for the ppi claims to be generated. The Financial Services Authority (FSA) and ppi related firms agreed that the individuals who had ended their single premium policies really should have ppi claims overturning the last no claim policy of these products. This means that in case you have cancelled just one premium policy for any reason, you could have ppi claims like the interest.
Send a letter to your lender if you think you've been mis-sold your payment insurance policy with a copy of the FSA announcement if it is just one premium policy. If you would like to begin your ppi clams you can make them review your case. If the lender denies your first request, you can try to send another letter. You could also take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). If you want to check the cost of your policy, ask your lender to mail you a breakdown of your account. You will need all the documents to begin your ppi claims as the information on your loan agreement needs to be examined.
Author Resource:
Harry Tomas blogs about PPI claims and other financial products for UK based site . He also lifts the lid on unfair loan charges and the financial claims industry generally, in addition to writing posts on personal finance, house sales, repossession and business finance.