Corporate video is actually a collective phrase that makes up every one of the different types of video productions applied to a lot of medium-size to large-size organizations and corporations. Corporate video production should share common goals:
To efficiently provide information, affect decisions by individuals or groups, meet the production plan and stay within the budget.
A full service firm must be able to prove they can deliver top results in all of the three stages of your production process: pre-production (scripting), production (shooting) and post-production (editing). Talk to four firms for proposals and supply exactly the same information to all of them. Pay a visit to them. View their demos and listen to their explanations of how the productions have been created. Very good resourceful individuals are crucial. They should be happy and eager. Obtain case studies of achievements, honors, and recommendations. Do not forget to view the production process of every company, the approval points offered in addition to way and exactly how their process will mesh with each of your requirements. Also ask where you can cut costs. Make your choice on most of these factors yet not only on price. Making use of separate firms for your production phases needs a professional, skilled producer to help maintain control and continuity.
Allow me to share the six secrets:
1. Capture and keep the attention of the clients. Viewers readily evaluate corporate video production to network television. Get their interest quickly and hold it in an effort to deliver your message. This is achieved by way of artistic and entertaining scripting, high quality production techniques that can compare to the professional look of broadcast television and the best voice or on-camera talent you can afford.
2. Use real people to tell the story. This is very important because people like to see and listen to real people, not famous actors.
3. Have an approved script before you shoot anything. You will save yourself time, money and hair.
4. Do the offline edit by yourself. Request a time code window dub of the raw footage to aid you to find the shots as well as the sound bites. A window dub offers a small window on screen that displays a time code of each and every frame imbedded while recording. This provides precise edit points.
5. Arrange for future revisions. Don't paint yourself inside a corner. Plan so any element may be revised without having to reproduce animated graphics and re-edit difficult segments. Avoid information that could possibly change after the year.
6. In order to get through the initial approval stage; edit just the first minute with all on-camera segments, special effects, music and voice tracks. Keep your approval team small , and on schedule.
Bonus secret: Negotiate beforehand for that digital copy of the raw footage for your own personal library. Should the raw footage is high-definition, ask for a standard definition copy at the same time. Require your corporate video production company to have an explanation of the various distribution channels attainable. At the moment everything is headed for the web. The majority of offices and boardrooms have got DVD players and without doubt VHS players. The majority of pcs are shipped with DVD players and CD-ROM. The company intranet will probably be your essential delivery system. Corporate television channels may be established and coupled with digital signage in primary and remote locations. Mobile video, social networking platforms both external and internal, viral media channels, podcasts, the overflowing blogosphere are all worth learning about and exploring. Apparently, video is everywhere: in shops, on gas pumps, on grocery store carts, the backs of airplane seats, inside mini-van and in some cases mounted on the fronts of Segways. Remember video never has a bad day. It will be the same reliable information on every occasion.