Pecan pie is a type of custard pie made with pecans as the main ingredient. Conventional pecan pie is thick, very rich and fairly sticky and can be exceptionally sweet. There are several ways on how to make a pecan pie and many people take pleasure in experimenting to discover the ultimate recipe.On the other hand its really simple to buy Pecan Pies online with no fuss. All one has to do is visit a online store such as for a whole selection of the best there is in pecan pies.
This dessert is closely linked with the American South where the pie is extremely popular particularly during the winter season.
The origin of the pecan pie is dim. Various people say that this dessert began in New Orleans, the place where it keeps on being admired, while other people have implied that it may be basically more from the South. Moreover, pecan pie might event be a completely invented creation, used to promote a brand of corn syrup as one company claims. Where it originated from, pecan pie did not begin appearing in cook books until the 1920s.
The addition of corn syrup in a pecan pie is still debated upon. Many people say that in order to achieve an authentic pecan pie, this dish should always have corn syrup, and several recipes include different brands of corn syrup. Other people argue that the presence of corn syrup makes the pecan pie much sweeter and somewhat distasteful, and they make use of alternatives such as brown sugar combined with water or maple syrup with a bit of molasses. In the end, the option is yours, however if you have tried pecan pie and found it to be too sweet, you might need to exclude the corn syrup. You will find that you can but pecan pies online that are just perfect when it comes to the right amount of sweetness such as the 9 extra deep pecan pie found at
The pecan pie has a conventionally flaky light crust which is very close to becoming shortbread. Usually the crust is sweetened lightly since the pecan pie is basically sweet and the faintly savory flavor offers some counter point to the sugary dish. This kind of crust is furthermore known as pate brisee fine or pate brisee, and it is exceedingly versatile.
To create a standard pecan pie, a cup of sugar is combined with two thirds cup of maple syrup or corn syrup together with one tablespoon of rum and 4 tablespoons of butter. Those ingredients must be boiled and permitted to cool before one quarter teaspoon of salt, one quarter cup of cream and three beaten eggs are added into the mixture. Two cups of lightly chopped roasted pecans can be creased into this mixture, or can be covered in the base of a baked pie crust with the pie filling poured above them.
The pecan pie is baked at three hundred degrees Fahrenheit or one hundred eighty degrees Celsius for about forty five minutes, allowing the filling to rest. Pecan pie can be dished up with shaved chocolate or whipped cream; flavored whipped creams prepared with maple syrup, rum or whiskey can be pretty pleasant with pecan pie. For an alternative pie without corn syrup, the filling can be completed from one teaspoon rum, a half cup melted butter, three eggs, one pound brown sugar, whipped together with a cup of chopped roasted pecans and placed in a pie crust and cooked in the oven as above. If time is an issue though you can buy your pecan pies online and not have to worry about taking the time to make your own.
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Pecan pie is a type of custard pie made with pecans as the main ingredient visit at