One of the most important reasons why most American consumers right now choose to spend using credit cards instead of cash is because of convenience. In fact, most, if not all consumer items can now be bought using credit cards. Plus, you do not have to bring all those greenbacks in your wallet just to purchase something. In addition, most of the commercial establishments in this country actually are already entertaining credit cards.
From buying things from your hardware store, to buying groceries to fill the pantry, credit cards are now enabling you to do such as convenient as ever. There are even instances wherein different stores offer their own cards, which bring in many discounts and promos. Such is also the case regarding mortgages. Now, you can actually buy a house using your credit cards.
However, it is necessary for you to have a high credit score for you to have a mortgage loan. In fact, most lenders actually require a credit score of 700 before they could give you your needed mortgage loan. In this case, many consumers may not qualify to apply for such. This is because of the reason that it is very difficult for an average consumer to get a credit score as high as that one.
Remember that most of consumers who use credit cards are actually tempted to mismanage their respective credit accounts. Of course, this situation naturally leads to having a low credit score. This in turn would lead you not to qualify for a mortgage loan. What if you desperately need a mortgage loan, but you have a credit score that is as low as 600?
Remember that the average credit score for an ordinary consumer is only around 692. In this case, having a score of about 700 is already seen as a perfect score. Sad to say, not all credit consumers are so excellent to have that score. It is a good thing that there is a way for you to get your much needed mortgage loan even though you did not get the 700 credit score mark. This is actually through 100 home financing.
The reason why lenders require the 700 score before they grant a mortgage loan is because, they naturally want to ensure that the loan can be paid back. Whenever you have the credit score of around 670 to 700, lucky for you: you can still get that mortgage loan, because creditors still see you as a low risk lender. However, if you have a score of around 540 600, creditors now see you as a high risk lender, lowering your chances of getting that mortgage loan. In this case, getting a home through 100 home financing is already your best option.
The different 100 home financing loans is usually classified as a sub prime loan. Sub prime loans are loans that are lent to people who have a credit score of below 620. Usually, it has higher interest rates, but is still reasonable for people who have such low credit scores.
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