It's Monday morning and I'm sitting in a court room chair. I know already where my dreaded future lies. I look around and I see the journalists with their pens, phones and papers. These so called guardians of the truth and democracy are instead useless defenders of democratic freedom.
They sit and they stare and I know they don't care for me or for freedom as they obey their career commands and get ready to feed their pages and stages. Sadly their profit and loss account is their judge and jury and obeying the status quo is their God and their gold.
In walks one of the black robes to deliver the verdict!
The foundations of democracy now being mocked as this judge soon says with a voice full of vengeance - This court of course finds you guilty! Your sentence life imprisonment!
Even my own countrymen accept this fixed verdict without question.
You are now all gone as I am led away to spend the rest of my life in a vicious prison. Perverted strip searching is regular, cowardly beatings quiet common, forced solitary confinement these criminals special delight.
Christ oh Christ when will my misery end?
I ask as I sit and suffer in my lonely prison cell.
Most hurtful of all is thinking how deceitful or sleeping scribes can influence people's minds to accept without question, that signed statements after many days of torturous interrogations and its evil twin brother, dubious scientific evidence, linked with no jury courts can send innocent people like you and me into prison for the rest of our lives.
When will you journalists ask loudly, how just are these evil anti democratic laws?
And, I say shame on all of you who support or remain silent wherever these evil anti freedom laws operate, because you are partners in one of history's most despicable crimes!
Benjamin Franklin "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
The Dangers of Terrorism
So who applauds your bombs of madness?
When will you give up your horrible game of shame?
How many innocent people, be they children or adults, must die or be maimed for life before you face up to the floor of honest reason sweeping through all of life's seasons?
You say you believe in freedom, but surely every step a human being takes should be free.
Tell me terrorists, what are you really creating?
Will it achieve anything better than prolonged reasoning? Many times a vicious action causes a vicious reaction.
How would you feel if your family's life was scarred with the devastating harm of a cowardly bomb?
Would it put you on your guard, would it make you trust, would it make you hostile?
You bombers may have many miles to go before you are taken from this earth, but you'll never find the freedom many of you, say you seek, because the march of history despises your creation!
Special Point
While this poem mainly refers to guerilla groups acts of terrorism, it also refers to governments who knowingly sanction acts of terrorism that lead to the deaths of innocent human beings!
Author Resource:
The above two poems are from the thought provoking book titled 'You Are Too Unique To Ever Feel Bleak ,' and the web site is