Honey is a food everyone seems to be curious about when it comes to health. Honey has many health benefits to humans, as a natural sweetener it contains a good balance of valuable nutrients including minerals, vitamins B2, B3, B6, and C, as well as fatty acids, sugar, fiber, amino acids and sodium, but when it comes to the nutritional benefits of honey, there are four things you should know first and foremost.
1) According to Dr. R. Fessenden in his book, Honey Revolution, honey contains powerful antioxidants and helps to build up the body's immune system. He wrote that as a known antioxidant, honey will decrease the level of oxidants in the body, inhibiting those oxidants from destroying collagen. The antioxidant properties in this sweet elixir is known to prevent carcinogen and therefore has anti tumor properties. Drug companies are continuing to study these properties found within honey, with a view to finding a good cancer medicine. It's not yet a cure for the disease.
2) The Olympic athletes of Ancient Greece used honey to boost their strength, endurance and energy at the games. It contains a good balance of fructose and glucose and ensures glycogen is reserved in the liver. And a spoonful of honey at night will improve brain function. The carbohydrates found within honey are natural. People who replace refined sugar with honey find they have more energy and are less fatigued throughout the day.
3) As an old-fashioned cure-all, consider taking honey to sooth a sore throat. It has antimicrobial properties which can destroy the bacterial cause of the throat infection. In fact, singers often take honey before performing to keep their throats soothed during and after many hours on stage.
4) Honey's antiseptic properties make it a good home remedy for burns or cuts to the skin, athletes foot, yeast infections, and even arthritis as it also acts as an anti-inflammatory reducing both pain and swelling.
Cautions With Honey: Infants under 18 months should not be given honey. Honey contains natural bacterial spores an infant's digestive system is too new to tolerate. There aren't yet enough acids in a baby's system to withstand the toxin from those spores and it could cause infant botulism. Symptoms include constipation, general weakness and difficult feeding. Infant botulism can cause death in severe cases, so it's important to read labels on foods given to infants as they may include honey as a natural sweetener. It should be avoided.
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David is a lover of food, but not just any food, the healthy kind! When David isn't writing quick articles on the nutritional benefits of honey, he can be found writing in more depth to answer the question of is honey good for you and solving other concerns about what is good for you on his new health blog.