Like any other weight loss product on the market, the Fat Absorber TDSL has its pros and cons. When you take Fat Absorber TDSL it is recommended to follow a law carbohydrate diet, such as Atkins. Fat Absorber TDSL has not been approved by the Food and Drugs Administration, but until now, no serious side effects have been noticed.
Fat Absorber TDSL contains a significant amount of Chitosan and Amylase, ingredients used in some other weight loss products too. These substances will block the absorption of fat in your body and fatty acids will be eliminated through elimination. Fat Absorber TDSL does not allow fatty acids to stay in your body for a long time, and this way, your metabolism would not be affected.
Fat Absorber TDSL is easy to take. 1 tablet, 30 minutes before eating, 3 times daily. Be aware that you shouldn`t take more than 3 tablets a day.
This weight loss product does not contain any stimulants or substances that would make you dependent. This means that you can stop taking these pills without the inconvenience that you should stop taking them gradually. Fat Absorber TDSL doesn`t have ephedrines in its components, so your heart won`t be affected in case you have some blood pressure problems. The key ingredients are simply Amylase, Chitosan, Atractylodes, and Magniesum Stearate.
In spite the fact that no major side effect were reported, there isn`t enough information about how this weight loss product really works. It has not been tested if to see if these pills work as they should. Maybe that`s why the Food and Drugs Administration didn`t approve them yet. The dose of 3 tablets a day was not tested, so we can t find out if it s the right dose.
You should not buy this kind of product until you see your doctor. He can tell you more about the risks and he knows your medical history. Usually, if you have some type of heart disease, or diabetes, weight loss products aren t so recommended.
Being a new diet pill on the market, the research is still at the beginning. Do not try to take new diet pills for a long time, before being informed about the components of the medicine and the risk that you are submitted to, by taking it.
We recommend you to be conservative from this point of view. Try medicines that are clinically tested, that have a good history on the market and that have won the public confidence. Alli weight loss products are recognized worldwide and they seem to be the best, because they support your goal in losing weight even if you have some blood pressure problems or diabetes.
Do not be fooled by those medicines that say that you can t lose weight only by taking weight loss products. It isn`t true! If you want to lose weight properly, you should have a healthy diet and do exercise daily. Those are the steps to a better life. If you want a change, make a responsible change!