Any typical model for a system is designed with the help of prototyping. Using this technique called prototyping, the system analysts are able to provide the most feasible solution so that the end users can easily manipulate the system formed by proper collaboration of prototyping process. This account for the compatibility of the designed system and it will be based on the successful demonstration of the prototype model.
Design prototyping and Prototype Fabrication are different in a way of conducting them. The design prototyping is mostly related to the designing of the electronic systems. Prototype design solutions can also be provided for the implementation of different software, services and technologies. The prototype designs are provided by different solution providers around the world and it is a great challenge for any person, whether amateur or professional, because you have to design the prototype keeping in mind the efficiency and optimization of the system which is being designed.
The prototype fabrication is the process in which the design is implemented and then tested for its proper working and fully functional properties. So the main concept, on which one was working on, is implemented through the process of prototype fabrication. So the concepts are proved or declared useless by processing it through these steps. Prototype fabrication solutions are provided or implemented by different vendors such as fabricators, welders and shops regarding prototype machines. Technicians working on electro-mechanical setups can help a great deal in the process of prototype fabrication and then testing the concepts which were implemented.
So both these Design Prototyping and Prototype Fabrication are related to prototyping in different ways. The design prototyping deals with the designing of the concepts in a way that different designs are implemented as small samples, so to easily choose one of the best which fulfills all the requirements of the customers. These concepts are undertaken by different solution providers around the world which provide end users their product in a way they demand.
While Prototype Fabrication is a process in which the sample is fabricated with the help of different vendors that provide the solutions regarding the fabrication and testing of the concepts, so that the resources can be utilized only on the model which is efficient for practical use.
Prototyping with both these techniques are vastly used all over the world to provide best possible solutions of the problems faced by different people, so that they can use the model of their choice and choose the best one which lies within their range.