The architecture and web design are two different areas of design. On comparison of the two one may find some similarities but at the same time a lot of differences too. Following are some of the prominent similarities.
The architects have been practicing minimalism even before the advent of the internet. If the design is edited carefully it is sure to be more please especially with reference to aesthetics. This principle works for architecture as well as web design. Sometimes excluding something has a positive effect on the design and makes it visually more attractive. When negative space is introduced between different elements on the website, it acts like a visual buffer that allows the eye of the visitor to move comfortably between different sectors of the website.
•Time Orientation
A web site needs to be designed in such a way that it does not look outdated within at least 6 months. This type of time orientation is of prim importance in architecture because the building has to most probably exist for at least a hundred years. In both the case due importance has to be given to the future.
When we consider architecture, the architect has to constantly remain in touch with the clients till the process of building the structure is not completed. Same is the case with website designing. The communication between the website designer and the client has to be constantly maintained for the designing of a perfect website and satisfaction of the client
Planning plays a crucial role in both architecture and web designing. In case of architecture a lot of planning is required in the pre-construction stage. Same is the case with designing the website especially when the blue print has to be prepared and the wireframes have to be used.
•Limited Details
It is the detail that makes any building or website design great. One should remember that too much of details can complicate the architecture as well as web designing. Too much of details can make the web design look complicated.
Color affects the appearance of architecture as well as the web design. If the building or the room is to be trimmed, the architect may use the bright colors. Same is the case with web designing. The designer may use bright colors for typography, borders or navigation. The color may also be used for making the background of any architecture or webpage attractive.
•Content Centered
The design of any building and its architecture depends on the purpose it is going to serve and the activities that are going to take place in that building. A commercial building or office building is usually not fit for human stay.
Besides these similarities there are a lot of differences too between architecture and webs design.
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