There's a lot more to be concerned about than just the interest rate when buying your new vehicle. There is a lot of fine print that contains really expensive, hidden charges which will dramatically raise the car's cost. There are numerous extras that the dealer will try and push and most of these really are not required.
Every single part of a brand new vehicle that can rust will have rustproofing applied at the factory. The factory rustproofing is developed to last as long as your vehicle. Getting further rustproofing performed by the dealer won't provide you much benefit.
Fabric Protector
The interior of an automobile like the seats and dashboard are extensively protected in the factory with layer after layer of heavy-duty coating to make sure that the interior fabrics last for the life of the vehicle. Having the dealer apply more fabric protection will have no benefit in either the short or long term.
Paint Sealant
All new cars come from the factory having a tremendous quantity of paint sealant already on the paint. Whilst paint sealant is necessary to stop fading and chipping, adding additional sealant on top of what was added at the factory provides little to no benefit.
Extended Warranty
The manufacturer is obliged to supply a warranty with all new cars. This warranty will frequently cover all main components for 10 years. The average vehicle owner will only keep the vehicle for eight years so extending the warranty is actually a waste of time.
Car Alarm
It's not uncommon for new cars to come with alarms pre installed these days. and even those that do not generally will not ever need it. This is simply because any professional car thief will be able to deactivate an alarm in seconds so won't be deterred by one.
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