I don't know about you, but I always seem to be evaluating myself. I ask myself questions like "Am I really walking the way Jesus would walk?" Or "Am I showing who I really am?" And " How can I be more effective in doing the things that Jesus did?".
Maybe I am strange? I don't know. But I honestly feel that any sincere believer asks these types of questions of themself on a regular basis. You see, I want to be more like Jesus. I want to do the things He did. I want to be a model to my family, community and my church. I am sure you do too! So I started digging. I have found a few things out over the last 32 years I have been a Christian, and the last 11 years that I have been a pastor. Things that both are really simple, yet we miss quite often. I have found that for the most part the authentic Christian life revolves around 2 things.
1. Being open and transparent. Most of today's church world does not value openess and transparency. They do not feel really comfortable with letting people be the way God created them to be. They seem to try to put people into cookie cutter molds. They try to make one size fit all. Well this is neither biblical nor is it the heart of our Heavenly Father. I have written about this in an article you can find below called "Will the Real You Please Stand Up.
2. The second principle I have found is putting actions to your words. It is not enough to have head knowledge about the Bible and God. You need to live it out. And I am not talking about just not smoking, drinking and chewing or going out with girls that do! I am talking about doing the stuff Jesus did. He did some pretty cool things! Like feeding 5000 people who were hungry. He healed every sick person that came to Him. He comforted those that mourn. Think about all the awesome stuff Jesus did! If you become a sincere and authentic believer, you can do some of that stuff too! Now that makes for a very interesting life that is never boring! You can read more about this principle in my article called "Doin the Stuff" Just click on the link down below.
Now, let me ask you something? Do you want a ok life, good life, or a life filled with all the fullness that God has for you? I don't know about you, but ok and good is not good enough for me! I want it all! How about you?