Blood is an essential part of our living existence. It is a specialized bodily fluid which can deliver necessary substances to the cells of the body like nutrients and oxygen. It also transports waste products away from the same cells. Here are other facts about blood:
. Blood circulates through the human heart, arteries, veins and capillaries.
. Our blood contains 22 percent solids and 78 percent water which include plasma, fat globules, chemical substances and gases.
. Blood cells are made in our bone marrow. This marrow is soft and spongy. It is located in the center of the bones and it produces almost 95 percent of our body's blood cells.
. The major function of red blood cells is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of our bodies.
. The major duty of white blood cells is to fight body infections and to help in the immune process as well as in ingesting matter such as dead cells, tissue debris and aged red blood cells. These cells help our bodies to be protected from transformed cells like cancer. Our white cells have other types and have various roles in fighting bacteria, fungus, and parasitic infections.
. Our blood takes away the waste matters and carbon dioxide in our body. Our kidneys strains almost 400 gallons of blood each day.
. Our blood can be used in transfusion for treating patients who have met road accidents, who have illnesses like cancer, who will take brain surgery and those with hip replacement surgery. Giving blood to others will not decrease your physical strength and put you in trouble.
. Blood carries to our body all the needed nourishment, hormones, vitamins, electrolytes, antibodies, oxygen and even heat.
. Our blood has a weight of almost 7 percent of our body weight.
. Blood have four general categories: type O, type A, type B, and type AB. Its eight classifications are referred to as "blood type".
. The chemical substances in our blood contain carbohydrates, proteins, and hormones.
. The gas content in our blood contains oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
. There are almost 31 percent of males and 28 percent of females have high blood pressure.
. Our blood though red in appearance is actually greenish-blue in color. It just turns red when it meets with oxygen.
. Persons with complete blood cell count could determine abnormalities with either the production or destruction of his/her blood cells.
Functions of the Blood
Blood performs several important functions in the body. These are:
1. It supplies of oxygen to the tissues.
2. It supplies nutrients such as glucose, fatty acids and amino acids.
3. It removes wastes such as carbon dioxide, lactic acid and urea.
4. It has immunological functions such as the circulation of white blood cells as well as the detection of foreign materials through antibodies.
5. It promotes coagulation. This is one part of the self-repair mechanism of the body.
6. It has messenger functions. This includes the transport of hormones as well as the signaling of tissue damage.
7. It regulates body pH
8. It regulates core body temperature
9. It has hydraulic functions
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