Very simply put, a dream in which you are conscious that you are dreaming is known as a Lucid Dream.
Of course, the full extent of your lucidity depends on various factors such as the stability of the dream experience itself, the amount of influence you have an over the dream, and of course the amount of dream recall you have when you wake up.
It is this last factor which is the most remarkable and amazing thing about experiencing a Lucid Dream. Being able to identify the fact that you are having a dream is astounding.
You are in control and can decide the direction things go and other than your imagination, there is no limit to what you can do.
Just take a moment to consider the possibilities. When you are Lucid Dreaming, everything feels and looks real, but you are aware that you are dreaming and will be safe no matter what happens in your dream.
Lucid Dreaming is far more advanced and has far more realism that any virtual reality generated by even the most sofisticat3ed computer technology.
As anyone who experiences lucid dreaming can attest to, it is simply an incredible skill and it's of little wonder that so many people are now beginning to show an interest. Admittedly, practically everyone will at some stage experience a lucid dream but can you imagine being able to enjoy one whenever you wish?
Many people tend to describe a lucid dream as being a doorway or gateway to the most wonderful experiences imaginable. In fact when you have a lucid dream and you're able to control it, you can then head off to any place you wish, whether you choose to go and meet your favorite celebrities, or whether you choose to go and visit loved ones which are no longer here with you. The amazing thing is you are only limited by your own imagination.
Unfortunately, experiencing regular lucid dreams where you have the ability to control them has until recently been a fairly complicated process. In fact, many people had no option but to spend months undergoing instruction and learning how to condition themselves. Even then, while many people did manage to experience lucid dreams, even if only for brief moments, others never succeeded at all.
So are there any simple ways of experiencing a Lucid Dream?
While some people may not agree, others believe firmly that certain foods have the ability to induce a lucid dream. In fact, it's recommended that you have cheese, milk, orange juice and even mustard immediately before going to sleep.
Other foods of note are pickles, ice cream, popcorn and fish. Although they are not as effective as the three foods and drinks described above. Some people say that they improve your overall dream recall and "prepare" your brain for future lucidity. The main problem is of course that they are high in fatty acids, salts and sugars which definitely doesn't assist you in getting a good nights rest!
Can Technology Assist You?
New technologies can make it somewhat easier to experience Lucid Dreaming. There are devices which can help to stimulate you to have Lucid Dreams such as eyeshades and sleep masks which activate a LED when rapid eye movements are detected. This light reminds you that you are dreaming; letting you take control of the dream!
In addition to these new the innovative devices, recent developments in some technology have also done much in the line of opening the doors to the world of lucid dreams. Just recently scientists have gone ahead and developed a process known as binaural beats; a process which involves playing sound at different frequencies into each ear.
These binaural frequencies synchronize the hemispheres of the brain; by listening to these frequencies, the brain is helped to achieve REM sleep, the sleep state necessary for Lucid Dreaming.
If you have ever wanted to experiences a fantastic Lucid Dream session and not have to work hard to learn how to do so, then this is definitely your most reliable method to getting started!
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Look at the amazing world of lucid dreaming from the popular website. Find out the hidden secrets of lucid dreaming and . Discover secrets about have lucid dream . You can experience it yourself. A free lucid dreaming DVD from here.