This success driven formula was written to provide you with some concepts on how to prosper in your network marketing, Internet marketing or plain old home biz. I love to cook and bake but when I first started out, I had to follow the recipe to ensure that my final creation came out successfully. Just like a new cook needs to follow a recipe for baking, the new home biz entrepreneur needs to follow a recipe for success. There are no guarantees to your success, however you can develop a road map that will help you navigate your way toward success in your home biz.
Running your own home biz on a part time or full time basis is dependent about your life's situations. Most people work other jobs while learning to develop their home business. I personally owned a small business for five years and that was time consuming. I didn't have much time to dedicate to my network marketing home business when I first started. So I only put in a few hours here and there in the beginning since I worked about 50 - 60 hours a week at my small business. I've since downsized and can put more time into my MLM home biz. The long hours were driving me insane. In order for me to build my MLM home biz, I have to be able to put consistent time and effort into it. How about you? Are you able to put consistent time and effort into it?
It's doesn't matter the quantitiy of time, it's the quality. Lack of effort or input won't get you far. That's an ingredient for failure. Enjoy these two recipes and decide which one you will make!
Ingredients required for the "Recipe of Failure" in your home biz:
* 1 cup of inconsistency
* 3/4 cup of no goal setting
* 2 cups of no change
* 1.5 cups negative thinking
* 1/2 cup no time
* 1 cup no effort
* 12 ounces of lack of belief
* 3 cups of non effective prospecting
* 2 quarts of no leads
Ingredients for "Recipe for Success" in your home biz:
* 2 cups of consistency and effort
* 2.5 cups of investing in yourself
* 1 cup of setting goals
* 9 ounces of good habits
* 6 tbsp of time management
* 3 cups of believing in yourself
* 1/2 cup of working with a good mentor
* 1 quart of generating good leads
* 1/2 cup of studying successful people
* 1 pint of a success minded attitude
Don't let your home biz fail. There are several key reasons why people fail in their home biz. But the main reason is lack of people to talk to. If you run out of people to talk with about your product or your business opportunity, what do you do next? You may hang in there for as long as you can, but you'll eventually give up and quit. But to keep your home biz alive, you need leads. Leads are the blood of any home biz. You can learn a system that will give you better marketing skills and take your home biz to new heights. MLSP is a system that will teach you how you can develop your very own leads lists and never worry about running out of people to talk with again. MLSP sees to it that we succeed by providing superior support and training. So, which recipe for your home biz will your choose?
Author Resource:
Michelle Falla is a teacher, business coach and entrepreneur. Learn all you can about success and take your home based business to the next level with free training from her.