Many people are unsure if they should get their wisdom teeth out and what exactly the procedure for removal is. For starters, it is good to know what your wisdom teeth are. They are also called your third molars and usually emerge from your gum line in your late teens. The reason that most dentists suggest you have them removed is if your wisdom teeth become "impacted" or come in sideways creating pressure and pain from your other teeth. There are specialized dentists that work with wisdom teeth only, and will easily be able to tell you if your wisdom teeth should be removed on your first visit.
If we take a closer look at the difficulties of impaction, you would see a long list of painful side effects. Irregular wisdom teeth can cause misalignment of the rest of your teeth, swelling of your face, throbbing pain and infections in your gums. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should see a wisdom teeth only specialist right away for wisdom teeth removal. If you are unsure of where you can find a dentist that works with wisdom teeth only, your regular dentist can usually provide referral services.
The other reason that your dentist will suggest wisdom teeth removal is if your wisdom teeth only partially erupt, making an excellent place for plaque and bacteria to hide in the back of your mouth. These areas are hard to reach, even with regular brushing and can lead to infection. If he spots this type of activity, he will promptly suggest wisdom teeth removal.
It is up to you and your dentist whether to have the removal performed by him or by a referral. It will usually depend on whether your dentist has any experience with wisdom teeth and how far your wisdom teeth have erupted. If they are well below your gum line, he will usually opt for the referral services. There are plenty of qualified wisdom teeth only specialists right in the Salt Lake City or Provo areas that would be willing to do the removal for you.
Removing your wisdom teeth is an oral surgery that requires an exam, x-rays, and a local anesthetic usually performed by a dentist that works with wisdom teeth only. If you are a little uneasy about the procedure, you can also request partial or complete sedation that will restrict physical activity during the process and make it a lot easier for you.
After removal, your wisdom teeth only specialist will most likely close the void with stitches to allow the are to heal. Depending on how extensive your removal procedures was, recovery time can vary. You will be given post-wisdom teeth removal care instructions and allowed to recover slowly in your Salt Lake City or Provo home. Oral surgery may seem a bit trivial to some, but the recovery directions need to be taken seriously if you want a successful and fast removal recovery.
Your wisdom teeth only specialist will give you a prescription for pain killers that you can fill at the pharmacy. You may need these for only a few days or close to a week depending on your incisions and pain tolerance. Some bruising and swelling is expected after removal. Your dentist will also tell you how to brush and floss following wisdom teeth removal so as to avoid disrupting the stitches. Wisdom teeth removal is usually required for most people and shouldn't be left until they are causing you trouble. Talk with you dentist today to see what is the best option for your wisdom teeth.