Really, what most SEO wannabes out there along with people who know vaguely of the subject don't realize about search engine optimization is that you really must have a very well laid out website in order to have the greatest success.
Why is this?
SEOs are often misinformed and feel that in order to rank well you have to appease Google. This couldn't be further from the truth. Google aims to please the searchers needs; they identify which website best fits the category for what the person searched for and then brings up the results accordingly.
So on what basis does Google ensure the compatibility and matching between the search input and the website? The website layout, backlinks (how relevant the links are, where they are posted, and what the anchor texts are).
How must the website be laid out for the searchers?
Well, the website must have proper SEO implementation with keywords inside the meta tags (descriptions titles), content, footer, and internal links.
However, what are often ignored are the alternate image texts and H1/H2 title headings. These are crucial when read by search engines. H1 / H2 headings are basically like sub headings which tell Google what the content will be about, these must include the keywords you're going after (the main most prioritized search terms).
What is alternate image text?
Google up to this point is still working on a solution to be able to read images properly. They cannot read flash or any regular images, but soon there should be software available for them to be able to view this information. So for now, Google reads what is called alternate image text. Within the code of your website, you can place alternate image text on images. This allows Google to read the image text and understand the description of the image so they can properly display the image on 'Google Images' tab of their search engine under the proper search phrases.
Aside from these aspects of SEO, the site structure should also be interactive for the user. Fast loading time is crucial in this day and age, if a website loads slowly with a heavy dose of flash, advertisements, and gimmicks, it will not rank well as it is not seen as convenient for the searcher. However a website with a left hand menu (internal links), buttons, a menu and page structure which leads the user around easily to what they are looking for, landing pages that are also SEO optimized to compose the integrity of the site, few images but ones that are good (loading time wise, spacing/size), and call to actions.
Call to actions are not just important for Google, but they are also help you turn searchers and visitors into shoppers/buyers. When a searcher is interested in the products and services that you sell, they will inevitably will be looking for a contact page, a phone number, an e-mail address, or a call to action like a Buy now button or a clickable promotion.
These call to action buttons should be placed at the top right, bottom right, or top left of a website, where they are highly visible for the searcher. Furthermore, these should also be placed any time that you're introduce a package, a service, or a product directly within the content. For products, you will often need ecommerce, with services, you will need conversions such as sign-ups or request forms since it is harder to convince a person to buy on the spot when this is a long term commitment or contract.
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