Sending out a newsworthy and well written press release is a great way to promote your business and thanks to the Internet there has never been a better time, or an easier one, to send out a press release. A press release is the best way to help spread the word about your business because you will be sharing newsworthy nuggets with many people. You may be wondering why you should bother to send out a press release and that is a natural question, but the reasons are so numerous that it could easily take up several pages of copy.
While the list of reasons to send out a press release is vast, here are the top 25 reasons:
1. Announce a new service.
2. Announce a new product or product line.
3. Announce the results of a new study.
4. Announce new developments in your business such as a new website.
5. Announce an upcoming speaking engagement.
6. Tell a first person story about someone using your products or services in a newsworthy way.
7. Announce new videos that have been posted on YouTube or other video sharing websites.
8. Report on a local problem and offer up your solution.
9. Announce sponsorship of your community through events or otherwise.
10. Announce new awards that you or your business has recently won.
11. Announce new innovative ways to use your products.
12. Announce any mergers or acquisitions that are newsworthy.
13. Announce major donations that you are making to your favorite charitable organizations.
14. Hold a seminar and announce the information in a press release.
15. Announce any patents you have obtained.
16. Announce special dates for your business such as the anniversary date.
17. Comment on a controversy and announce your company s stance.
18. Announce how you will honor National Events.
19. Protest or support an active issue.
20. Announce new safety innovation steps that you have taken at your workplace.
21. Make a salute to the troops.
22. Announce the addition of new key staff members.
23. Announce key companies in the community that are utilizing your goods or services so long as you have permission.
24. Announce any litigation won.
25. Announce new pricing policies that are to take effect in the near future.
Again, this list could go on and on, but the bottom line is that a press release is a great way to, well, get the word out about your business. There is so much that goes on in your business on a daily basis and while all of it is not newsworthy a good majority of it may in fact be. If it is, then there is no reason not to share the information with others and boost your business profile at the same time. So long as the press release is well written and doesn t come off like a sales pitch then the result can be phenomenal and my even lead to some surprise attention from local media that you would have never received if not for the press release.
Remember, journalists aren t looking to promote your business; they just want something that will be interesting to their readers. Take some time to do a little research on press releases and you ll learn how to effectively create free publicity in the form or press releases.