Are you looking for a place to invest your money? A prospective area to consider investing in is alternative energy. By the year 2013, green energy production is expected to be in the multi-billion dollar range. wind power has become more economical with the advancement in wind-turbine technologies and more widespread in usage too. The result is wind energy products have become competitive with other traditional types of sources of energy. In fact, the technology is advanced where birds no longer get killed by the propellers.
You can invest your money in businesses that do a lot worse than wind energy production. One other area to look into are solar power investments, or photovoltaic cell technology. These small solar panels are powering things like calculators, flashlights, and other devices. They are being utilized on more and more roofs of commercial buildings, and also housing developments and building complexes. As the price to use these solar arrays continue to go down, the energy efficiency continues to get better. This efficiency is calculated by the amount of energy needed to produce versus the amount of energy generated.
Back in 1982, the energy conversion efficiency of silicon cells was roughly 4% but today, it is over 20%. When generating electrical power, photovoltaic cells do not emit any pollution, but currently they are not cost-effective with regular electricity. Since large amounts of solar cells are needed to generate large amounts of electricity, they are not ready for producing electricity on a large scale. But as areas are converted to implement these solar cells, the cost and efficiency will get better. With the constant search for new methods of generating alternative energy, advisors of investment portfolios are positive that energy is a good investment.
New types of clean energy are appearing such as tidal movements, currents and temperature changes. The concept of hydro-power generation is progressing in France and being extensively researched in Scotland and the United States. Hydro-power has had issues previously with salt water causing the deterioration of metal but the materials used today are more efficient. Marine growth and violent storms have led to problems too. Because the timing of ocean waves and currents is so reliable, as well as understood, there is a huge advantage to ocean-produced energy.
In the last two decades, investments have increased in hydro-electric technology. Hydro-electric power makes really clean energy but it is restricted by location. Older dams have had problems with marine life disrupting production of energy. In an effort to protect the marine life, those dams have been improved and the improvements have been expensive. As a result, there have been efforts to come up with ecologically sound, low-impact methods to produce hydro-power. The reality of all of this information is that investing your dollars in the future of green energy is sound advice.
In the last couple of decades, money invested in hydro-electric technology has increased. It is very clean power, but hydro-electric power is apparently restricted by geography. Older dams, for instance, have had problems with marine life disruption. There has been a lot of effort to protect the marine life but it's been expected. As aresult, there have been a great deal of research in creating low-impact hydro-power technology that doesn't negatively affect the environment. The bottom line is that investing in green energy is investing in our future.
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