When an individual chooses to sell homes for a living, they make a commitment to often work long hours without any compensation, unless a deal is signed. Of course, every listing that is acquired is somewhat like money in the bank, depending on the type of market being dealt with. So, the importance of real estate marketing is second to none.
If they don't use any of these tools, the general public will not know of their existence. Of course, whenever there is a listing, there is usually a for sale sign that goes up in front of the home. That is the number one tool that agents have. In addition to that, the Internet has provided them the opportunity to increase clientele and grow their business in different ways.
However, one of the most important things in this field is to be a very popular person with a household name. Like this, if there is a home to be listed, there will be a good chance it will have your name on it. The more tools that are used correctly and the more contact that is made with the residents of your farm area, the more successful the agent will be.
A great tool to use are postcards. These professionally printed cards contain useful information with photos of current listings, sold properties, and the name and number with a photo of the agent. Most homeowners like to know what's going on in their neighborhood because they protect their investments, they may want to purchase a larger home or possibly downsize. The bottom line is they will look at these postcards and a photo and name of the agent will register.
However, this slight glimpse or glance will provide so much more than that. For one thing, the potential client will be reminded of your name and photo, and you just might be the lucky one who gets to sign the house when they decide to sell it. A good percentage of your income should be used directly for advertising in order to be successful, and that's true of any career, service or product.
In addition to these, there are other direct mailings that you can take advantage of as well. Refrigerator magnets are very useful to homeowners, and they are rarely thrown out, as are calendars, notepads, and so on. Because they will refer to them from time to time, they will frequently be reminded of your name, turning it slowly into a household name.
So, every time they refer to them, it will be a constant reminder of you and the services you can provide them with. Of course, sending a calendar or a magnet every year is not going to suffice because the potential vendors or buyers will not be continuously reminded of those services, your name and what have you.
The bottom line is to maintain some communication, reminding them of your existence and willingness to serve them. Take the time to send emails or old fashioned Christmas or Holiday cards. Go a step further and arrange gifts like a tasteful ornament for the holidays, a service like a manicure, and so on.